extrim command


I use a lot the command EXTRIM of AUTOCAD, specially to extract some area from a city plan or something like that, using a poliline as limit of the desired area. With Extrim only I do two clicks and ready.

I can not do this with bricscad, if somebody has a lisp routine to do this will be great for me.

thanks a lot


  • You can try this.  It is a work in progress. 

    (defun c:EET (/ *error* initial_set point1 point2 temp_set touching_set counter1)

    (defun *error* (message)
    (and message
    (not (wcmatch (strcase message) "*BREAK*,*CANCEL*,*QUIT*"))
    (princ (strcat "\nError: " message))
    (command "._undo" "end")

    (defun dxf (1code 1ent) (cdr (assoc 1code 1ent)))

    (defun delta (a1 a2 / r1)
    ((> a1 (+ a2 pi))
    (setq a2 (+ a2 (* 2.0 pi)))
    ((> a2 (+ a1 pi))
    (setq a1 (+ a1 (* 2.0 pi)))
    (setq r1 (- a2 a1))
    (if (< r1 0.0)
    (setq r1 (+ r1 (* 2.0 pi)))

    (defun VxGetTangentAtPoint (Obj Pnt / CurPar PntLst TmpPnt)
    (setq PntLst (VxGetEndPoints Obj)
    CurPar (cond
    ((equal Pnt (car PntLst) 1E-5)
    (vlax-curve-getStartParam Obj)
    ((equal Pnt (cadr PntLst) 1E-5)
    (vlax-curve-getEndParam Obj)
    ((setq TmpPnt (vlax-curve-getClosestPointTo Obj Pnt))
    (if (<= (distance TmpPnt Pnt) 1E-5)
    (vlax-curve-getParamAtPoint Obj TmpPnt)
    (T nil)
    (if CurPar
    (angle '(0.0 0.0 0.0) (vlax-curve-getFirstDeriv Obj CurPar))

    (defun VxGetEndPoints (Obj)
    (vlax-curve-getStartPoint Obj)
    (vlax-curve-getEndPoint Obj)

    (defun left_test (ls_object ls_point / temp_point temp_point2)
    (setq temp_point (vlax-curve-getClosestPointTo
    (setq normal (- (VxGetTangentAtPoint
    (/ pi 2.0)
    (if (< normal 0.0)
    (setq normal (+ normal (* pi 2.0)))
    (setq delta_angle (delta normal (angle temp_point ls_point)))
    (if (or (< delta_angle (/ pi 2.0))
    (> delta_angle (* 3.0 (/ pi 2.0)))
    (setq side nil)
    (setq side T)

    (defun get_point (gp_point gp_object gp_trimmer_object gp_left /)
    (entmake (list (cons 0 "CIRCLE") ; make a circle with radius 0.01
    (cons 6 "CONTINUOUS")
    (cons 8 "POWER")
    (cons 10 gp_point)
    (cons 39 0.0)
    (cons 40 0.01)
    ; (cons 60 1)
    (cons 62 2)
    (cons 210 (list 0.0 0.0 1.0))
    (setq bounds (entlast)) ; get the circle
    (setq bounds_entity (entget (entlast))) ; get the circle's entity
    (setq counter 0)
    (setq gp_inters_list (vlax-invoke ; check for intersection object
    (vlax-ename->vla-object (dxf -1 bounds_entity))
    (entdel bounds)
    (setq gp_inters_points nil)
    (if gp_inters_list ; if there are intersections ...
    (repeat (/ (length gp_inters_list) 3) ; convert the data to points
    (setq gp_inters_points (cons (list (car gp_inters_list)
    (cadr gp_inters_list)
    (caddr gp_inters_list)
    (setq gp_inters_list (cdddr gp_inters_list))
    (setq point1 (car gp_inters_points)) ; there is at least one point
    (if (> (length gp_inters_points) 1)
    (setq point2 (cadr gp_inters_points)) ; get the second point if there is one ..
    (setq point2 nil) ; or set the second point to nil
    (if (/= point1 nil) ; left_test will error if the point is nil
    (if (= (left_test trimmer_object point1) gp_left) ; point1 same side as trim side?
    point1 ; yes, return point1
    (progn ; no ...
    (if point2 ; is there a point2?
    point2 ; yes, return point2
    nil ; no, return nil

    (defun do_trim (dt_trimmer_object dt_object_ename dt_intersection_list dt_left_side / )
    (setq dt_intersection_list_points nil)
    (setq dt_object (vlax-ename->vla-object dt_object_ename))
    (if dt_intersection_list ; if there are intersections ...
    (repeat (/ (length dt_intersection_list) 3) ; convert the data to points
    (setq dt_intersection_list_points (cons (list (car dt_intersection_list)
    (cadr dt_intersection_list)
    (caddr dt_intersection_list)
    (setq dt_intersection_list (cdddr dt_intersection_list))
    (foreach memb dt_intersection_list_points
    (setq dt_intersection_point memb)
    (setq dt_point3 (get_point dt_intersection_point ; intersection point
    dt_object ; object to trim
    dt_trimmer_object ; "trim to" object
    dt_left_side ; "trim to" side
    (if (/= dt_point3 nil)
    (setq dt_trim_list (list (vlax-vla-object->ename dt_object) dt_point3))
    (command "trim" (vlax-vla-object->ename dt_trimmer_object) "" dt_trim_list "")


    (command "._undo" "end")
    (command "._undo" "begin")
    (setq trimmer_selected nil)
    (while (= trimmer_selected nil)
    (setq trimmer_selected (entsel "\nSelect trimming edge: ")) ; get the "trim to" selection
    (setq trimmer_entity (entget (car trimmer_selected))) ; get the "trim to" entity
    (if (and (/= (cdr (assoc 0 trimmer_entity)) "LINE") : only accept these types
    (/= (cdr (assoc 0 trimmer_entity)) "ARC")
    (/= (cdr (assoc 0 trimmer_entity)) "SPLINE")
    (/= (cdr (assoc 0 trimmer_entity)) "LWPOLYLINE")
    (/= (cdr (assoc 0 trimmer_entity)) "POLYLINE")
    (/= (cdr (assoc 0 trimmer_entity)) "CIRCLE")
    (/= (cdr (assoc 0 trimmer_entity)) "ELLIPSE")
    (setq trimmer_selected nil) ; try again if necessary
    (setq trimmer_ename (cdr (assoc -1 trimmer_entity))) ; get the "trim to" ename
    (redraw trimmer_ename 3) ; highlight the "trim to" selection
    (setq trimmer_object (vlax-ename->vla-object trimmer_ename)) ; get the "trim to" object
    (setq side_point (getpoint "\nSelect trimmed side: "))
    (setq left_side (left_test trimmer_object side_point))
    (vla-getboundingbox trimmer_object 'point1 'point2) ; get the bounding box for the "trim to" selection
    (setq point1 (vlax-safearray->list point1) ; get the bounding box points
    point2 (vlax-safearray->list point2)
    (setq temp_set (ssget "_C" ; get entities in the bounding box into temp_set
    (trans (list (car point1) (cadr point2) 0.) 0 1)
    (trans (list (car point2) (cadr point1) 0.) 0 1)
    (ssdel (car trimmer_selected) temp_set)
    (while (> (sslength temp_set) 0) ; while there are entities in temp_set ...
    (setq object (vlax-ename->vla-object (ssname temp_set 0))) ; get the first entity

    (if (setq intersection_list (vlax-invoke ; check for intersection with the "trim to" entity
    (do_trim trimmer_object (ssname temp_set 0) intersection_list left_side)
    ; trim the crossing entity
    (ssdel (ssname temp_set 0) temp_set) ; delete entity from temp_set
    (command "._undo" "end")

    (defun printss (ss / counter)
    (setq counter 0)
    (while (< counter (sslength ss))
    (print (entget (ssname ss counter)))
    (setq counter (1+ counter))
  • hi Martin

    very nice routine, works very good with no big plans, but when I used in a plan with a lot of level curves, like a topographic plan this error appears:

    Select trimmed side: 
    Error: Automation Error 80020009; Error accessing [INTERSECTWITH] method. ErrIndex=0
    : ._undo
    Undo:  Mark/Back to mark/BEgin set/End set/Control/Auto/<Number of steps to undo>: end

    you routine works, but I do not know why appears this error, I hope you continue working in this very nice routine.


  • With this Google search:
    autolisp cookie cutter "Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software"

    You can find a version of EXTRIM which still has the "friendly" AutoCAD copyright notice:

  • The version of EXTRIM at the bbs.mjtd.com site appears to be missing several lines. 

  • hi Roy

    thanks for the link, I found a routine but gives the next error:

    Cannot find AC_BONUS.LSP

    looks like an error for a application from autocad 14, but I could not find a solution.

    ;;; EXTRIM.LSP - Written by Randy Kintzley
    ;;; Copyright (C) 1997 by Autodesk, Inc.
    ;;; Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software
    ;;; for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided
    ;;; that the above copyright notice appears in all copies and
    ;;; that both that copyright notice and the limited warranty and
    ;;; restricted rights notice below appear in all supporting
    ;;; documentation.
    ;;; Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to
    ;;; restrictions set forth in FAR 52.227-19 (Commercial Computer
    ;;; Software - Restricted Rights) and DFAR 252.227-7013(c)(1)(ii)
    ;;; (Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software), as applicable.
    ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;GLOBAL INFO.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
    ;Functions created as result of loading file: extrim.lsp
    ; ETRIM
    ;Variables created as result of loading file: extrim.lsp
    ;Functions created as a result of executing the commands in: extrim.lsp
    ;Variables created as a result of executing the commands in: extrim.lsp
    ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;GLOBAL INFO.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
    ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
    ;Extended-TRIM - cookie-cutter routine
    ;Select a polyline, line, circle or arc and a side to trim on
    (defun c:et ( / dxf na p1 redraw_it) (if (and (not init_bonus_error)
    (equal -1 (load "ac_bonus.lsp" -1))
    (progn (alert "Error:\n Cannot find AC_BONUS.LSP.")(exit))
    (init_bonus_error (list
    (list "cmdecho" 0
    "highlight" 0
    "regenmode" 1
    "osmode" 0
    "ucsicon" 0
    "offsetdist" 0
    "attreq" 0
    "plinewid" 0
    "plinetype" 1
    "gridmode" 0
    "celtype" "CONTINUOUS"
    T ;flag. True means use undo for error clean up.
    '(if redraw_it (redraw na 4))
    );init_bonus_error ;local function
    (defun dxf (a b / ) (cdr (assoc a b)));defun (princ "\nPick a POLYLINE, LINE, CIRCLE, or ARC for cutting edge..")
    (setq na (single_select '((-4 . "<OR")
    (0 . "CIRCLE")
    (0 . "ARC")
    (0 . "LINE")
    (0 . "LWPOLYLINE")
    (-4 . "<AND")
    (0 . "POLYLINE")
    (-4 . "<NOT")
    (-4 . "&")
    (70 . 112)
    (-4 . "NOT>")
    (-4 . "AND>")
    (-4 . "OR>")
    (if na
    ;(setq e1 (entget na));;setq
    (redraw na 3)
    (setq redraw_it T) (setq p1 (getpoint "\nPick the side to trim on:"));setq
    (redraw na 4)
    (setq redraw_it nil) (if p1 (etrim na p1));if
    );if (restore_old_error)
    );defun c:extrim ;!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    ;Entity-TRIM function
    ;takes: na - entity name
    ; a - a point, the side to trim on
    ;NOTE: This function does not allow for the possible miss of
    ; non-continuous linetypes.
    (defun etrim ( na a / la dxf b d e1 lst lst2 n j k m ss na2 na3 na4
    x y z flag flag2 flag3
    ) ;local function
    (defun dxf (a b / ) (cdr (assoc a b)));defun (setq e1 (entget na));setq
    (if (or (setq flag (equal (dxf 0 e1) "POLYLINE"))
    (setq flag (equal (dxf 0 e1) "LWPOLYLINE"))
    (equal (dxf 0 e1) "LINE")
    (equal (dxf 0 e1) "CIRCLE")
    (equal (dxf 0 e1) "ARC")
    (if (and flag
    (equal 8 (logand 8 (dxf 70 e1)))
    (setq flag nil)
    (setq a (trans a 1 0));setq
    (command "_.ucs" "_View")

    (setq lst (ep_list na nil) ;;;find extents of selected cutting edge object
    lst (maxminpnt lst)
    x (- (car (cadr lst)) (car (car lst)))
    y (- (cadr (cadr lst)) (cadr (car lst)))
    x (* 0.075 x)
    y (* 0.075 y)
    z (list x y)
    x (list (+ (car (cadr lst)) (car z))
    (+ (cadr (cadr lst)) (cadr z))
    y (list (- (car (car lst)) (car z))
    (- (cadr (car lst)) (cadr z))
    (command "_.zoom" "_w" x y)
    (entupd na) ;;;update the ent. so it's curves display smoothly (setq lst (ep_list na
    (/ (pixel_unit) 2.0)
    (if (or (not flag)
    (not (p_isect lst nil))
    (progn ;then the object is valid and not a self intersecting polyline.
    (if (and flag
    (equal (car lst) (last lst) 0.0001)
    (setq flag3 T);then the polyline could potentialy need a second offset
    (if (setq la (b_layer_locked (getvar "clayer")))
    (command "_.layer" "_unl" (getvar "clayer") "")

    (command "_.pline")
    (setq b nil)
    (setq n 0);setq
    (repeat (length lst)
    (setq d (nth n lst))
    (if (not (equal d b 0.0001))
    (command d)
    (setq lst2 (append lst2 (list d)));setq
    (setq b d);setq
    (setq n (+ n 1))
    (command "")
    (setq na2 (entlast)
    ss (ssadd)
    ss (ssadd na2 ss)
    lst nil
    (ss_visible ss 1)
    (setq lst2 (get_fence_points na2 a lst2 flag3 flag));setq

    (if la
    (command "_.layer" "_lock" (getvar "clayer") "")
    (command "_.ucs" "_p")
    ;Move the ents to force a display update of the ents to avoid viewres problems.
    (setvar "highlight" 0)
    (if (setq ss (ssget "f" (last lst2)))
    (command "_.move" ss "" "0,0,0" "0,0,0")
    (if flag
    (if (setq la (b_layer_locked (dxf 8 e1)))
    (command "_.layer" "_unl" (dxf 8 e1) "")
    (ucs_2_ent (dxf 210 e1))
    (command "_.copy" na "" "0,0,0" "0,0,0")
    (entdel na)
    (setq na3 na
    na (entlast)
    (command "_.pedit" na "_w" "0.0" "_x")
    (command "_.ucs" "_p")
    (if la (command "_.layer" "_lock" (dxf 8 e1) ""));if
    (command "_.trim" na "")
    (setq m (- (length lst2) 1));setq
    (setq k 0) ;@rk
    (repeat (length lst2)
    (setq lst (nth k lst2))
    (setq a (trans (car lst) 0 1))
    (setq n 1)
    (repeat (- (length lst) 1) ;repeat each fence list
    (setq b (trans (nth n lst) 0 1))
    (if (equal a b 0.0001)
    (setq flag2 T)
    (setq flag2 nil)
    (setq na4 nil);setq
    (setq j 0);setq
    (while (not flag2) ;repeat each segment of the fence until no new ents are created.
    (setq na4 (entlast));setq
    (command "_F" a b "")
    (if (and (equal na4 (entlast))
    (or (not (equal k m))
    (> j 0)
    (setq flag2 T)
    (setq j (+ j 1));setq
    (setq a b);setq
    (setq n (+ n 1));setq

    (setq k (+ k 1))
    (command "")

    (if flag
    (if (setq la (b_layer_locked (dxf 8 e1)))
    (command "_.layer" "_unl" (dxf 8 e1) "")
    (entdel na) ;get rid of the copy
    (entdel na3);bring back the original
    (if la (command "_.layer" "_lock" (dxf 8 e1) ""));if
    (command "_.ucs" "_p")
    (princ "\nSelf intersecting edges are not acceptable.")
    );progn else invalid self intersecting polyline
    (command "_.zoom" "_p")
    );progn then it's a most likely a valid entity.
    );defun etrim ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
    (defun another_offset ( pl1 pl2 a1 a2 b na2 lst2 a lst3 lst4 / na ss lst da1 da2) (setq da1 (abs (- a2 a1)));setq
    (setq da2 (- (* b (max pl2 pl1))
    (/ (* b (abs (- pl2 pl1)))
    (if (> (abs (- da2 da1))
    (* 0.01 (max a1 a2))
    (progn (pline (list lst2))
    (setq na (entlast)
    na2 (entlast)
    ss (ssadd)
    ss (ssadd na ss)
    (ss_visible ss 1)
    (command "_.offset" b na2 a "")
    (if (and (not (equal na (entlast)))
    (setq lst3 (vtlist (entlast)))
    (setq lst3 (intersect_check lst2 lst3 lst4))
    (ss_visible (ssadd (entlast) (ssadd)) 1)
    (command "_.area" "_ob" (entlast))
    (setq pl2 (getvar "perimeter")
    a2 (getvar "area")
    (setq lst (list (vtlist (list (entlast) 0))));setq
    (entdel (entlast));then offset was a success so delete the ent after getting it's info
    );progn then
    (if (not (equal na (entlast))) (entdel (entlast)));if else
    (entdel na2)
    );progn then let's do that second offset
    );if lst
    );defun another_offset ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
    (defun get_fence_points ( na2 a lst2 flag plflag / a1 a2 pl1 pl2 b c d n
    lst lst2 lst3 lst4 na
    ) (if flag
    (setq lst2 (cdr lst2));setq
    (repeat (fix (/ (length lst2) 2))
    (setq lst2 (append (cdr lst2) (list (car lst2)));append
    (setq lst2 (append lst2 (list (car lst2))));setq
    (command "_.area" "_ob" na2)
    (setq pl1 (getvar "perimeter")
    a1 (getvar "area")
    );if (setq a (trans a 0 1)
    b (* (getvar "viewsize") 0.05);initial offset distance
    n 3.0 ;number of offsets
    d (/ b (- n 1)) ;delta offset
    c (pixel_unit)
    lst4 (viewpnts)
    );setq (while (> b c)
    (setq na (entlast))
    (command "_.offset" b na2 a "")
    (if (and (not (equal na (entlast)))
    (setq lst3 (vtlist (entlast)))
    (or (not plflag)
    (setq lst3 (intersect_check lst2 lst3 lst4))
    (setq lst3 (lsttrans lst3 1 0))
    (ss_visible (ssadd (entlast) (ssadd)) 1)
    (if flag
    (command "_.area" "_ob" (entlast))
    (setq pl2 (getvar "perimeter")
    a2 (getvar "area")
    (setq lst (append lst (list lst3)));setq
    (entdel (entlast)) ;delete the ent after getting it's vertex info
    (if flag
    (setq lst (append lst
    (another_offset pl1 pl2 a1 a2 b na2 lst2 a lst3 lst4)
    );progn then offset was a success
    (if (not (equal na (entlast))) (entdel (entlast)));if else
    (setq b (- b d));setq
    (setq na (entlast))
    (command "_.offset" c na2 a "")
    (if (and (not (equal na (entlast)))
    (setq lst3 (vtlist (entlast)))
    (or (not plflag)
    (setq lst3 (intersect_check lst2 lst3 lst4))
    (setq lst3 (lsttrans lst3 1 0))
    (ss_visible (ssadd (entlast) (ssadd)) 1)
    (if flag
    (command "_.area" "_ob" (entlast))
    (setq pl2 (getvar "perimeter")
    a2 (getvar "area")
    (setq lst (append lst (list lst3)));setq
    (entdel (entlast));then offset was a success so delete the ent after getting it's info
    (if flag
    (setq lst (append lst
    (another_offset pl1 pl2 a1 a2 c na2 lst2 a lst3 lst4)
    );progn then
    (if (not (equal na (entlast))) (entdel (entlast)));if else
    (entdel na2) lst
    );defun get_fence_points ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
    ;returns a list of points on screen if the first two lists do not
    ;contain segments that intersect each other.
    (defun intersect_check ( lst lst2 lst3 / x x2 y y2 lst4 flag len len2
    a aa b bb c d n j) (setq len (length lst)
    len2 (length lst2)
    x (car (car lst3))
    x2 (car (cadr lst3))
    y (cadr (car lst3))
    y2 (cadr (cadr lst3))
    );setq (setq n 0);setq
    (while (and (not flag)
    (< (+ n 1) len2)
    (setq aa (nth n lst2)
    bb (nth (+ n 1) lst2)
    a (truncate_2_view aa bb x y x2 y2)
    b (truncate_2_view bb aa x y x2 y2)
    lst4 (append lst4 (list a))
    (if (or (not (equal a aa))
    (not (equal b bb))
    (setq lst4 (append lst4 (list b)))
    (setq j 0);setq
    (while (and (not flag)
    (< (+ j 1) len)
    (setq c (nth j lst)
    d (nth (+ j 1) lst)
    flag (inters a b c d)
    );setq (setq j (+ j 1));setq
    );while (setq n (+ n 1));setq
    (if (not (equal b (last lst4)))
    (setq lst4 (append lst4 (list b)));setq
    (if (not flag)
    (setq flag lst4)
    (setq flag nil)
    );defun intersect_check ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
    (defun truncate_2_view ( a b x y x2 y2 / int)
    (if (and (< (car a) x)
    (setq int (inters a b (list x y 0.0) (list x y2 0.0)))
    (setq a int)
    (if (and (> (car a) x2)
    (setq int (inters a b (list x2 y 0.0) (list x2 y2 0.0)))
    (setq a int)
    );if else
    (if (and (< (cadr a) y)
    (setq int (inters a b (list x y 0.0) (list x2 y 0.0)))
    (setq a int)
    (if (and (> (cadr a) y2)
    (setq int (inters a b (list x y2 0.0) (list x2 y2 0.0)))
    (setq a int)
    );if else
    );if a
    );defun truncate_2_view
    (princ "\n \"EXTRIM\" loaded.")
  • Sorry about that: I should have tested the code from the link.

    Here's another link:
    This is CookieCutter2 by Joe Burke. You may have to join the Swamp to be able to download the files. Note that there is an updated version in post #23. Please also read post #34: it is a 2D routine so it will not work if your level curves have a z elevation.

    I have tested this time ;-) and it works OK for me.

  • My code was failing when it tried to break an inserted block.  Around line 206 change the (setq temp_set ...  to this:

      (setq temp_set (ssget "_C"                                         ; get entities in the bounding box into temp_set
    (trans (list (car point1) (cadr point2) 0.) 0 1)
    (trans (list (car point2) (cadr point1) 0.) 0 1)
    Cookie Cutter 2 by Joe Burke is an excellent routine that I recommend, but it only accepts closed entities as trimming entities.  I needed a routine that would use a line as the trimmimg entity.
  • Hi Martin

    again, thank you very much really, and Roy, thanks to you too, also you routine help me a lot, thanks guys.

    Only I need to check if these routines work in bricscad linux that I use in the office.

    thanks again

  • Hi Martin

    sorry to bother you again. your routine works great in bricscad windows, but not in bricscad linux, if you could help me making workable this routine in bricscad linux  I will appreciate it very much.

    This is the error or the routine in bricscad linux V11.

    : eet
    : ._undo
    Undo:  Mark/Back to mark/BEgin set/End set/Control/Auto/<Number of steps to undo>: end
    : ._undo
    Undo:  Mark/Back to mark/BEgin set/End set/Control/Auto/<Number of steps to undo>: begin
    Select trimming edge:
    Select trimmed side: 
    ; ----- LISP Error : Call Stack -----
    ; [0]...C:EET <<--
    ; ----- Error around expression -----
    Error: no function definition <VLA-GETBOUNDINGBOX> at [EVAL]
    : ._undo
    Undo:  Mark/Back to mark/BEgin set/End set/Control/Auto/<Number of steps to undo>: end

  • The error message says that VLA-GETBOUNDINGBOX is not implimented in the Linux version of Bricscad that you have.  I do not have a Linux computer here to test with.  

  • BTW:
    If the segment you want to cut out is rectangular using the fence or crossing option in the trim command can already be a great time-saver.

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