-plot and "Scale Linewights with plot scale" etc
I'm using the -plot command to create plots. This command requires user responses, and the number of those responses depends upon whether you're plotting in Model Space or Paper Space. Specifically, paper space has two additional questions: "Scale lineweights with plot scale Yes/<No>" and "Plot paper space last Yes/<No>". However, for some of our drawings, Bricscad asks these two additional questions even though I'm plotting from the model tab. This behavior is identical for AutoCAD when I plot from that program too.
Any ideas on why this could be? For my LISP routine to run correctly, I need to know whether these two questions are going to show up, but knowing whether I'm plotting from model space or paper space doesn't seem to be sufficient.
I just tried -plot from both model & paper spaces, but I didn't get the two additional questions you mention.
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@ Eric:
Have you tried using AUDIT on those drawings?@ Douglas:
To get these questions you have to do a detailed plot configuration.0 -
I ran audit and it fixed a number of errors but it didn't resolve the issue.
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@ Eric: What do you get with:
(getvar 'tilemode)
in those drawings?In modelspace tilemode is normally 1.
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No joy on tilemode: it's always 1.
0 -
Ugly workaround:
Execute a "dummy" -plot command and answer the prompts as if it is a modelspace print job. Then check if the plot command is still active.(defun PlotAsPaperspaceP ()
(setvar 'cmdecho 0)
"_yes" ; Detailed plot configuration? Yes/<No>:
"" ; Enter a layout name or [?] <>:
"PDF reDirect v2" ; Enter an output device name or [?] <>: <--- CHANGE THE DEVICE NAME TO FIT YOUR SITUATION
"" ; Enter paper size or [?] <>:
"" ; Enter paper units Inches/<Millimeters>:
"" ; Enter drawing orientation Portrait/<Landscape>:
"" ; Plot upside down? Yes/<No>:
"" ; Enter plot area <Display>/Extents/Limits/View/Window:
"" ; Enter plot scale (Plotted millimeters = Drawing Units) or <Fit>:
"" ; Enter plot offset (x,y) <0,0>:
"" ; Plot with plot styles? <Yes>/No:
"" ; Enter plot style table name or [?] (enter . for none) <>:
"" ; Plot with lineweights? <Yes>/No:
; PAPERSPACE ONLY ; Scale lineweights with plot scale? Yes/<No>:
; PAPERSPACE ONLY ; Plot paper space last? Yes/<No>:
"" ; Remove hidden lines? Yes/<No>:
"" ; Write the plot to a file? Yes/<No>:
"" ; Save changes to page setup? Yes/<No>:
"_no" ; Proceed with plot? <Yes>/No:
(if (/= (getvar 'cmdactive) 0)
(not (command))
)0 -
Thanks for the suggestion. I was trying to figure out how to do something like that but couldn't figure out how to break into the command stream and test to see if an error had occurred. I just found that this seems to work:
If ThisDrawing.ActiveLayout.ModelType = False Then ...
Instead of this:
If StrComp(ThisDrawing.ActiveLayout.Name, "Model", vbTextCompare) <> 0 Then...