Update of EXTMAX or enabling ensap in macros?

Hi, in earlier versions we could use th same DIESEL macros as in LT to change a drawing frame and move the title block to the new frame.

The lower right corner of the title block, after the frame has been erased can be found by

but how can we update the extmax variable after the fram is erased??

In earlier versions we used the command MOVE with esnap END to find the corner of the title block (with max Aperture and some zoom out).
Now (V11) we get a message "no end esnap at that point".

I thought onel solution would be to run a REGEN after the frame is erased, but the EXTMAX is still not updated.

So, we need either a way to update the EXTMAX variable in a macro after the frame has been erased, OR a way to snap to an endpoint wit APERTURE set to max and zoomed out a bit.


  • The extmax variable doesn't automatically update after erasing entities (strangely enough). But after a regen or a zoom extends it does. Of course entities on "OFF"-layers are considered in the extmax calculation.

    To find the lower right corner try this DIESEL expression:

    If that doesn't help please post your complete macro.

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