
sysvar "pfacevmax" set to 3 or 4 has no effect on the execution of the script file;_face0,0,0100,100,1000,100,50_stopscript; two blank spaces after the third point coord's are required so that the command is completed.Explodind the face gives 3 lines ok. Trying to program face w/ (command "face" '(0 0 0) '(100 100 100) '(0 100 50) " ") won't work for lack of information or unknown problems, and the command is apparently stopped somehow w/ left button click and then right button click; and w/ the side effect that my lisp routines are responded to by "error: user defined Lisp functions cannot be transparent". After icad is closed and then opened again, the lisp routines are recognized. Does anyone know how to program "face" and end the command (other than w/ a .scr file) such that it will explode to 3 lines? I know (command "cmd"... will work ok for lines, and can be terminated w/ .. " "). thanks.


  • Try this...it works here... (command "face" '(0 0 0) '(100 100 100) '(0 100 50) "" "")Note that "" without a space between has the same effect asthe ENTER key.

  • Yes' that does work, as do these (including your suggested solution) w/out error messages appearing at the command bar;(command "ELEVATION" '(7))(command "LINE" '(0 0 0) '(100 100 100) " ")(command "LINE" '(0 0 0) '(100 100 100) '(0 100 100) "Close")(command "FACE" '(0 0 0) '(100 100 100) '(0 100 100) "" "")(command "3DPOLY" '(0 0 0) '(100 100 100) '(0 100 100) "Close").There are apparently definite requirements for ending commands that are command specific so either error messages don't appear and/or the sytem environment doesn't go zooy. The two pair of double quote w/ and w/out a space, and the single pair of double quotes w/ and w/out a space appear to execute differently. I cannot confirm that "" (without a space) has the same effect (ENTER) as " " (w/ a space). Thanks all the same. mike kovara

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