Custom Toolbars

Is there a way to save a custom toolbar I have created so that I don't lose it when I update my Bricscad program,  (don't want to have to recreate it).

Thank you,



  • Hi Ethan,


    suggest that you look at creating a partial menu. From your post I would assume that you have been customising the default.cui, which is part of the Bricscad install. If you don't back this file up you risk losing any customisation when you update.

    A partial menu is a separate cui file that you can load alongside the default one. In fact you can have as many partial menus as you like. To create do the following:

    1. At the command prompt type CUI then press enter. This opens the customise dialogue window.
    2. Right click on the BRICSCAD title from either of the listing windows. Choose "Create a new partial CUI file" from the option menu.
    3. Save this partial CUI with a known name somewhere you can find it later. E.g. C:\CAD_Library\Menus\MyMenuName.cui.
    4. Proceed with creating your custom toolbars as you have done previously, but instead of creating them under the Default.Cui, create them under your partial menu.

    When you update Bricscad you may need to reload this partial menu. Process to do this is very similar.

    1. At the command prompt type CUI then press enter. This opens the customise dialogue window.
    2. Right click on the BRICSCAD title from either of the listing windows. Choose "Load partial CUI file" from the option menu.
    3. Browse to the partial CUI where you have saved it to E.g. C:\CAD_Library\Menus\MyMenuName.cui.

    Hope this helps.



    Jason Bourhill

    CAD Concepts


  • Jason,

    Thanks for the repsonse.  Seems straightforward, I'll try that.


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