Plotting Issue

I'm having a serious plotting issue. A little background. I sent a customer some .pdf drawing. He called and said some printed correctly and others were very light. I converted the .dwg files to .pdf files with 2 different programs (PDF995 & CutePDF) and get the same problems. I don't think the problem lies in the converter. I created the drawings with Bricscad 7 and did the editting with Bricscad 11. During the converting there seems to be no pattern to which drawings plots correctly and which one doesn't. Sometimes a sheet will be light and during another run will be dark. Could the drawings have become "unstable" due to different versions being used? Has anyone run across this before? I'm pulling my hair out. Help!


  • The quality of pdf printer drivers varies strongly. While comparing 7 of these drivers, we noticed that e.g. the size of the generated pdf files, for the same drawing, ranged from 18 Kb to 4300 Kb. Each one comes with its own quirks and merits. While PdfCreator was not the champion to create the most compact files, it definitely is worthwhile to give it a try. When doing so, make sure you download the 1.2.2 version or higher.

    If the problem persists, please file a support request and attach the drawings, plot config files and resulting pdf files so our analysts can investigate and provide you with a solution.

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