BcadTools Battman problem with changing attribute properties

I have block insertions with attributes that are visible, that I now want to be invisible. After changing the block defiinition, as you all may know, the existing blocks don't update the attribute definition. So, I attempted to use Battman to update all the blocks.  However, when I do so, the visible attribute text gets rotated incorrectly. 

Is this a bug, or am I misunderstanding how to use the tool?

Joe Dunfee


  • One thing to add, I noticed that this seems to only be an inssue wiith my rotated blocks.

    Joe Dunfee

  • Dear John,
    many thanks for this report ... I will check the issue and try to fix.
    One detail I recently found (in different context) was, that our ODA CAD engine
    does calculate attribute rotation incorrectly, not taking the rotation of parent
    block reference into account ... this perfectly matches your description.

    As mentioned, I will have a look and try to fix in BcadTools ...
    Many greetings, Torsten

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