(command w/ LISP

An attempted lisp program to create a triangulated network from a field of randomly or regularly spaced 3d points aborts at the attempted (command "line".... The first line entity (created by program w/ command "line" was ok) and the closest point entity had been highlighted in the program run by the time : ): LINE "": (-271.460 -14.0415 2.50000): (-376.155 58.5871 10.0000): )error: Function cancelled(COMMAND "LINE" PXYZ LBPXYZI "")(PROGN (COMMAND "LINE" PXYZ LBPXYZI "") (COMMAND "LINE" PXYZ LEPXYZI "") (ENDEL (SSNAME SSPNTS DELPNT))))(IF (AND PLBPXY PLEPXY) (PROGN (COMMAND "LINE" PXYZ LBPXYZI "") (COMMAND "LINE" PXYZ LEPXYZI "") (ENTDEL (SSNAME SSPNTS DELPNT))))etc; listed in the command bar.The line in my LISP code at which the error occurs is;(if (and Plbpxy Plepxy) (progn (command "LINE" Pxyz lbpxyzi "") (command "LINE" Pxyz lepxyzi "") (entdel (ssname sspnts delpnt)))).After the program aborts, a copy and paste of this line results in the drawing of the two desired lines and the deletion of the particular point from the screen, however, the original line entitiy and the original point (which is deleted by the copy-paste code) highlights stubbornly remain until a zoom and esc are registered. This fact is mentioned for information. Does (entmod... need to be used?These efforts might come to be something if I can give this the right twist. Does anyone have useful and relevant comments to share? Has anyone noticed differences in what format of code etc. that may be pasted to the command bar versus run as function or by appload. For example, the conventions for LISP comment notation don't seem to apply and may cause errors or no results w/ code pasted to the command bar. Thanks.P.S. I will share LISP code in-development w/ those interested in exchange


  • COUPLE OF SUGGESTIONS.Does the code leave ANY command outstanding? If so the error messages aren't very helpfull.If you provide dummy varriable values will the command run from the comamnd line?. If so it isn't in the command syntax as the program runs. As to your offer...I'm working on LISP code to "skin" a 3DFACE wirefame model. I want to view proposed aircaft designs in rendered form. Its probably not worth the effort consideriung the 3d packages out there, but I enjoy the process. (There's a word for those who love pain? ) DUM?! Besides if I can do it, even in "dedicated" form I wont have to shell out the cash for a lot of bells & whistles I probably don't need. The pseudo_code is developing into hard code as an iterative if slow process.Thanks but I think my requirements probably don't mesh. The core algoythms run around layer pairing and point processing. However if you know of any effportts similar to mind let me know...

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