Moving rotated dimensions

I have a drawing where when I move some entities which have associated rotated dimensions the dimensions move with the entities if I use the move command, select them and move them BUT if I select them first, then move them, some or all (variable) of the dimensions do not move with the entities...

Any suggestions?


  • I had trouble with associated dimensions (in V11), such as the text staying where it is when the object is moved, or just appearing in different positions on reopening a file.

    Associated hatch patterns similarly sometimes lose areas (in hatches covering multiple boundaries) after reopening.

    I set Dimasso=1 and Hpassoc=0 in the On_doc_load.lsp and both dimensions and hatches are dissociated.

    If it's ever an impediment it's not as bad as finding your drawing has changed overnight.

  • I tried to give this a go in V12 just now and havne't seen any issues....

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