Matchprop Multiple Selection
The functionality of the Match Properties command has been greatly improved in V12.1.5 - it is great that as soon as you select an object (after picking the source) that the properties are set. THANK YOU!!! This has bugged me since I started with Bricscad. However the ability to select multiple entities with a window or other method has been removed since V12.1.4. Is this an option in the program? - I am finding myself attempting to draw crossing windows as opposed to the individual selection req'd.
Seems like an oversight on the part of the programmers. Below is a lisp fix.
; Uncomment the next two lines (= remove the semicolon), to replace the matchprop command:
; (command "_.undefine" "matchprop")
; (defun c:matchprop () (c:MatchPropFix))
(defun kg:Pickset->EnameList (ss / i result)
(if ss
(repeat (setq i (sslength ss))
(setq result (cons (ssname ss (setq i (1- i))) result))
(defun c:MatchPropFix ( / base ss)
(if (setq base (car (entsel "\nMatchPropFix: Select entity to copy properties from: ")))
(while (setq ss (ssget "_:SI"))
'(lambda (a)
(command "_.matchprop" base a "")
(kg:Pickset->EnameList ss)
)The fix will also work on V11.4.6, adding the 'instant update' effect to that version.
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There is a small mistake in the code of my previous post:
(ssget "_:SI")
Should be:(ssget "_:S")
But even with the mistake the code will work on V11 and V12.
After correcting the mistake the lisp will also work on V10.0 -
Thanks a lot... This lips work perfectly. It's now included in my "on_start.lsp".
Thanks again Roy!
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Sweet thanks!
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I have raised a support request for this topic as no one has mentioned doing so.