Default XL Shortcut Not Calling XLINE As Expected

So I tried to draw an xline using XL for the command, I type XL at the propmpt and nothing happens, the command line returns nothing...

Command: XL <Return>



If I type the following:

Command: xline <Return>

Infinite line:  Bisect/Horizontal/Vertical/Angle/Parallel/<Point along Line>: 


The command works as expected.  I have checked my PGP file and XL, *XLINE is referenced, note that this is also an issue in autocad 2009, I am running BC V12.1.5  Any ideas?


  • XL works fine for me (same BC version).
    Since you have the same issue with AC it is perhaps some lisp application with a function like this:

    (defun c:XL () (princ))
  • Whoops:

    (defun c:xl () (command ".-xref" "r" "*") (princ))

    I made a typo that should be c:xr, but it explains why I can't reload xrefs or why I can't draw xlines in acad or bcad, thanks for getting me to think about it haha...

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