Xref display

Is there a way to make an xref look "faded" when it is inserted into the drawing?  I know you can adjust the fade when you double click to edit the file.  I would like to have it look that way all the time while drawing on top of it.


  •  You can change the color of lines that inherit their color from the layer they are on, and that might produce the faded look you want.  I do this a lot with plan XREFs that are brought into a reflected ceiling plan -- I change all the layers to a color that will print as gray, and then draw over it with lines that will print as black for things that I want to emphasize.
  •  I should have added that this is changing the color of the XREF-dependent layers (it is done in the file that that are XREFed into).  So in the original file, the layers don't change.  Make sure you have the variable VISRETAIN set to 1 so that any changes you make to XREF-dependent layer colors will remain in place when you reopen the file.
  • Hi John,

    this feature is yet to be implimented in Bricscad. Discussed in this previous post


    Jason Bourhill

    CAD Concepts

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