Block Edit in seperate window (Bedit)



  • Both IE and FF allow you to ignore the fonts used in web pages and substitute your own. No reason to 'go bold'.

  • The thread is TLDR, but I'm not clear on what you want in a lisp routine.  Are you wanting something to emulate Autocad's BEDIT?  If so, the whole command or just parts?  What kind of blocks?

    Without a clear definition of what you'd like it is impossible to know whether lisp is an appropriate language. 

    Hi, thanks for your reply.

    Yes I would like to emulate the Autocad's BEDIT function. I would like the whole command. Not sure what you mean by 'kind of blocks' but I don't need dynamic blocks as I only want to edit blocks in a separate window.

  • Gary,

    I'm not sure lisp can do this.  I don't think a pop-up editing window is possible in lisp, so this would require a separate instance of Bricscad or a dedicated layout page.  Not hard to do a lisp to export a block.  Not hard to edit a component in a separate instance of Bricscad.  Not hard to do a lisp that will replace the existing block with the edited block.  Writing lisp that will make that a one click operation is a far different thing. 
  • Having a block editor in a separate window would be great, but not when it is as limited as BEDIT in Acad. It has limited capabilities in 3D and most important, you cannot edit one block deeper in the block editor (a nested block).

    Better to have the full editor available when editing a block, like in a normal drawing environment. This will give the power of having assemblies and sub-assemblies without using XREFS.

  • Gary,

    I'm not sure lisp can do this.  I don't think a pop-up editing window is possible in lisp, so this would require a separate instance of Bricscad or a dedicated layout page.  Not hard to do a lisp to export a block.  Not hard to edit a component in a separate instance of Bricscad.  Not hard to do a lisp that will replace the existing block with the edited block.  Writing lisp that will make that a one click operation is a far different thing. 

    Thanks, that sounds a lot like using WBLOCK, and kind of a long way around of editing separately. I want to be able to use block assemblies with the correct insertion points quickly and efficiently.

    Unfortunately, I'm looking for a function like BEDIT. Maybe in the next update?
  •  Would it be viable to write LISP to do the following;

    Copy the block to the clipboard.
    Open a new BC window.
    Paste the block.
    Initiate a Block edit-in-place.
    After the user saves the edit,
    copy the revised block
    update the block in the main drawing with the revised version.

  •  Would it be viable to write LISP to do the following ...

    It would be very convoluted in lisp because lisp execution is limited to the Bricscad instance where the lisp was started.  It should be possible to wblock then open a new instance of Bricscad to edit the block, but automatically transferring scope back to the original Bricscad instance would be difficult at best in lisp.  This is simple enough to do manually that I'm not sure it would be worth the effort to try to automate the process. 
  • Maybe a tiled viewport instead of a new instance of Bricscad?
  • I'm obviously doing something wrong, or concetualising wrongly. Surely a block or an XREF is a 'standard' component used within a drawing, but which also be used in other drawings.
    If this block is not correct it should be altered and renamed externally since the editing of the external reference would cause other drawings using the same external reference to be altered. Changing a block within a drawing could lead to other problems (auditing, maybe BIM) within an organisation when different drawings, projects, etc. have different blocks with the same name.
  • @ Ralph:
    What blocks (or xrefs) are used for will depend on the field your working in. In some cases blocks are only used for standard parts (like nuts and bolts). But blocks can also be unique to a project (or drawing). In an ACE project, for example, you may have a block/xref 'Plan-Apartment-A' that occurs 4 times on each floor. And in another project the 'Plan-Apartment-A' block/xref may look completely different.
  •  Would it be viable to write LISP to do the following;

    Copy the block to the clipboard.
    Open a new BC window.
    Paste the block.
    Initiate a Block edit-in-place.
    After the user saves the edit,
    copy the revised block
    update the block in the main drawing with the revised version.


    Or just copy what Autocad does..
  • The in place edit of Bricscad is selecting always the item that has been selected to edit within the block.
    This means : all other items within that block can not be edited.

    What's the advantage of blocks? (simplified as example)
    Only for many repeated parts within for instance, an architecture.

    I would liek to see bedit as separate block editor also cause inplace editing is just for very simply blocks or blocks with no advantage related to dwg size.

    Smaller dwg = also smoother working.

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