V12 Opensuse 11.1 64-Bit, error while loading shared libraries: libREDCore.so
i tried V12 on Opensuse 11.1 64-Bit and i get the following error:
./bricscad: error while loading shared libraries: /usr/lib/libREDCore.so: ELF file OS ABI invalid
Has anybody already tested V12 on Opensuse 11 64-Bit?
11.3.16 runs fine.
./bricscad: error while loading shared libraries: /usr/lib/libREDCore.so: ELF file OS ABI invalid
Has anybody already tested V12 on Opensuse 11 64-Bit?
11.3.16 runs fine.
an update to 11.4/12.x should be necessary0
Using V12 on OpenSuse 12.1 64 bit AMD cpu and Nvidia Graphics. Works well, including the Redsdk rendering.
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