3D toturial

I miss a  tutorial on Briscad 3D.

I know there is a video on the web site, it proceeds to quickly for me. I've also searched the forum, but last answers are poor and almost 4 years old.

Can anybody help in any way?


Claus Nybroe


  • if i may ask, what is your back ground?
    what other systems have you used?
  • Thanks Keith,
    I've been using AutoCad LT for many years and master it quite well.
    It has been running on Siemens servers. Now I want to have my own software and proceed to 3D.
  • Support has pointed me towards "Learn Briscad V12 in a day", which I've bought. There is 21 pages of 3D drawing tutorial, just what I was looking for.
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