Hey all,
I sometimes encounter inserting xrefs and trying to either: A)INSERT or B) BIND. Sometimes when I do either operation, I won't be able to explode the block AFTER I've inserted, but sometimes I can. Is there a setting I'm not aware of? When it happens, I'll just grab the xref and cut and paste, but it seems like I shouldn't have to do that.

Thanks for any help, 


  • I used to have that problem often, but when it happens now it's almost if not always because the xref is on a locked layer.
  • I used to have that problem often, but when it happens now it's almost if not always because the xref is on a locked layer.
  • Blocks may also be set as "not Explodable".
    Look in the "Blocks" tab of the Drawing Explorer and find the block name you're trying to explode.
    Make sure that the " Explodable" box is ticked.
  • When using the -insert command to run the command through the command line, is there a wayy to explode the block on insertion?
  • Enter an asteriks in front of blockname resp. filename ...
    no space between asteriks and the name.
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