No pickbox in the middle of crosshair when pickbox = aperture and osmode > 0
Please, check the following behavior of Bricscad.
1. Enable any object snap mode (OSMODE system variable is not zero).
2. Set aperture size to be the same as pickbox size (APERTURE variable equal to PICKBOX variable).
3. Make sure, there is no active command.
Pick box in the middle of crosshair will disappear (
It makes it hard to pick objects on drawing.
To be complete, your description should mention that the the 'Display Aperture box' must be checked (APBOX=ON). When setting APBOX=OFF the pickbox will be correctly displayed even if both PICKBOX and APERTURE share the same size.0
Yes. It is true.But when no command is active Autocad always shows pickbox in the center of crosshair regardless APBOX settings.I think, it is more correct.0
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