importing aliases

I have a problem importing the alias files. When importing a new alias file, the existing default intellicad aliases is not overwritten and replaced by the new .ick file. Instead the new .ick file is inside the former one so some aliases are written two times and sometimes there is the same aliases pointing two other commands causing conflicts. Do I do something wrong? Why isn't the ick file replacing the existing one?In autocad it was very easy to paste the pgp file and the older one was totally replaced with the new one. So is there anyone to tell me how this is done? When I simply customize the aliases and import the ick file I live through the problems I mention above.


  • You talk about 'Aliases' and '.ick file'. Aliases are saved in a .ica file. Keyboard shortcuts are saved in a .ick file. Maybe that's the reason why you think the old aliases are not replaced after importing a new file.

  • I am totally sorry for my great mistake: I relly meant .ica file when I typed .ick file. Soory to cause mislead.So my problem is still there. When I impor tthe ica file, older ones are not replaced but newer ones are called into the old folder.

  • You must uncheck "Append to existing aliases"

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