vbi files

What is a .vbi file and why does v3.1 create them when v2.2 did not?


  • am using 2.2.0019 and .vbi files are created. the file name is the same as the dwgname. but w/ the .vbi extention. i've noticed that the commonprojects.vbi was written to the program files\bricnet\ etc. directory, whereas the drawing specific .vbi file stores in same folder as the drawing. the .vbi files appear to be a consolidation of all the various VB file extentions that one may see in texts regarding VB, however, i don't see those same distinctions (.frm, .bas, .mak etc.) in the implementation of VB w/ icad. perhaps .vbi can be thought of as the interface and souce of either dwg-specific or project-specific programming.

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