OSOPTIONS, snap to hatch??

Is this on our wishlist?
In AutoCAD you can snap to hatch if you want,

OSOPTIONS system variable.

0: Object snaps operate on hatch objects, and on geometry with negative Z values when using a dynamic UCS
1: Object snaps ignore hatch objects
2: Object snaps ignore geometry with negative Z values during use of a dynamic UCS


  •  I second this request, really miss snapping to hatch patterns for tile layout, ceiling grids, brick patterns, etc.
  • This is certainly a valid request, but is Autodesk's solution really convincing?
    It means adding another variable to the mess that there is already (so most users will not even notice  the functionality), plus it will carry quite a performance penalty when snap to hatches is turned on globally.
    What about giving hatches an additional property (in extended entity data) that decides if the hatch should be snappable or not? This way, you could snap to your tile pattern, while symbolic hatches would not slow you down, and the new functionality would be nicely exposed to every user in the properties bar.
  • Sounds good.

    One workaround now if you have a simple tile pattern is of course to explode it :)
  • ...What about giving hatches an additional property (in extended entity data) that decides if the hatch should be snappable or not? ...

    I would prefer the toggle be in the OSNAP options rathern than a separate variable or entity option. Sometimes with snapping to tile or ceiling patterns, the edge of the tile repeat is so close to the boundary object that you pick the wrong one when you intended to just get the boundary. But I'd be happy with any access to the snapping. Right now our workaround for elevations will be to either draw parallel xlines on a no-plot layer, or to draw the hatch manually and xclip the boundary, similar to the old express tools SUPERHATCH command.
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