SelectionSetFence issue in Bricscad version 13 .NET


I would like to report that there are issue i encountered in SelectByPolygon(AcSelect.acSelectionSetFence, , , ).
We have an application that were developed in VB.NET for Bricscad version 12 which is using SelectionSetFence to select polylines that overlap with other polyline.
In version 12, it does not select the polylines even if the gap between the polylines are almost zero (which is what we need) but in version 13 the polylines are selected.

When we zoomed in on the polyline it was shown that there is actually a gap between the polylines.

Currently, we are evaluating Bricscad version 13 if we are going to upgrade our version 12.

I attached screen captures.  Picture2 is the zoomed in of the polylines.


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