This has only started to happen when I updated to V13. I use this function as a quick way to snap to objects endpoints, midpoints etc.
The box comes up after holding down shift and right mouse click but I type in say "N" for Endpoint and it doesn't register.


  • That happens here, too.  There seem to be several issues related to operator input. 

    I have reported that esnaps do not work reliably -- I frequently have V13 fail to detect an intersection, or detect an intersection that lies on the border of the selection aperture box but not detect an intersection directly under the crosshairs.  If I zoom in slightly the esnaps work properly again.  When V13 is in the state where the esnap glyph is shown only on the border of the aperture the selection point is at the crosshairs, not at the glyph location, so move and copy operations are not where they should be.

    I cannot always close the Bricscad command history window by clicking on the X in the upper right corner -- at times mouse clicks in the minimize/size/close area simply do nothing.    

    ^C^C at the start of a toolbar macro does not always cancel an active command in V13.

    The scrollbars work during some commands but not during others.  This is not new to V13. 

    There is no cursor of any kind on the screen when entering text (DTEXT), so there is no visual clue as to where the next character will be placed.  I personally think the text input routing should support the left and right arrow keys and the home and end keys so that typos can be fixed without backspacing and retyping, but Autocad has arrow key support when entering text so I have little hope that Bricscad will fix this. 

    Mouse clicks do not always appear to register.  In Autocad I had the right mouse button set to 'enter'.  In Autocad I could left click to select then immediately right click to signal that I was done selecting entities.  Autocad never had a problem with a very rapid left click then right click sequence.  In Bricscad the right click frequently does not register.  I had thought that the problem was not having enough delay between left click and right click, but I'm beginning to believe that Bricscad is just not seeing all the clicks and that it has nothing to do with how short the delay between left and right clicks is.  It almost seems as if the mouse polling rate is so low that it is possible to complete a click operation between polls, or that some background process is somehow able to block polling at times.

    All these problems are intermittent, which makes it very hard to provide a sequence that will duplicate the problems.  I don't think it is the computer here -- Win7 64bit, i7-3770, 16G RAM, MSI A75A-G55 should be more than adequate for Bricscad.  I've tried both the on-board video and a GeForce GTX550Ti for video and I see no difference.  Both video systems have occasional artifacts (missing portions of linework or random linework, both of which are corrected when something forces the screen to redraw). 
  • Jason, is your issue intermittent?

    I have a problem with the cursor jumping between non-existent snap points in V13, but only after a while in a session.

    I can't work with it, just watching to see what others report.

  • The issue with the intersection snap not selecting the one closest to the cursor but instead another one that also lies within the snap aperture can indeed be annoying. Upon checking with older versions I was a bit surprised that this issue exists at least since BricsCAD V8. It has been scheduled for fixing by the end of the year.

    @Jason, 'N' is for Nearest snap, 'E' is for Endpoint. This works fine with me. If you have a different experience, please add a comment to the support request you sent in.

    the issue you describe is probably hard to reproduce? Does this behavior depend on the drawing being worked on? Does it also occur when working with a newly created user profile? One similar intermittent issue has been reported for a drawing with a pdf underlay attached. If you have a scenario that is likely to reproduce the issue, please send in a support request, we will do the best we can to solve this in a timely fashion.
  • Yes Hans it's hard to reproduce. It happened in 2 or 3 different files. I rarely use PDF underlays.

    I did a little experimenting, but have to work for a while in a file before it appears.

    F3 immediately stops the behaviour - it only happens while hunting for a snap point.

    I have never looked at user profiles, I will try creating a new one and see what happens.

  • Hans,

    Thanks for the update.

    There seem to be a number of issues in Bricscad that only occur after Bricscad has run for a while.  I am seeing issues with lisp routines that work for a half hour or so, but then start throwing errors which say the number of parameters in a function call is incorrect.  Nothing is APPLOADed during the work period, so this looks like a memory leak or like Bricscad not keeping localized subfunctions properly associated with their parent functions.   I have several lisp functions that have localized subfunctions with the same names but with different code.  I have added code to track which functions and subfunctions are being called.  If I can find a way to reproduce this I will file a support request.
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