Bricscad running on Parallels

 I have a Macbook Pro Retina display with Parallels and Windows 7 installed.  Bricscad  seems to have a problem with the mouse, the panning and zooming is not consistent, is not very accurate and slow.  Also when drawing a line the line itself does not appear on the screen until you have completed the command.
Does anyone have any experience of running Bricscad on parallels?


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  •  we run BricsCADV13 on MacBook Pro 17" with Bootcamp, it runs fine.
    the nagging problem of Window 7 start is always there.
    does anyone knows how to clear and run Windows on any PC or laptop as when it is new?
  •  Thanks, I have managed to get bootcamp running and it does look fine.
  • It's over three weeks, what I bought MacBook Pro 15" (mid 2012). I had idea, to run BricsCad over Parallels 8 + Windows 8. BricsCad run well, speed is fine, compare to Autocad for Mac is BricsCad over Parallels faster. But... problems are:

    1/ crossfading the systems, over parallels you work with two philosophies of "user experience", in W7 is possible install MacLook over parallels and it feel like Mac app, and it's good, but for W8 it is impossible.

    2/ sometimes it's 50:50, is problem with mouse cursor, I see it in drawing area, but when leave this area, ie. is cursor over toolbar, or menu, or windows window, is cursor "hidden", is there, work where is, but is invisible. In Autocad for Windows, I not have this problem, but with Bricscad yes, but also I agree, it's virtualization, and problem is there, and this problem is with Coherence mode. If I leave Cohrence mode and back to "desktop" mode, all works fine.

    3/ third and absolute biggest problem is mouse move. It's different to Windows. If I do with mouse "office" work, it not make problem, but in CAD, if I want make small and precise move/click/selection, cursor not move/move very small/move quite to another place where I want have it. For is this the biggest problem of virtualization. I use before microsoft keyboards or mouses, i thinked that problem is microsoft, I bought MagicMouse, but it's same, if not worse... Today I hear that this work well with MagicTrackpad. I quite believe that, because I try work on MacBook Trackpad and it not work bad - ofcourse not for desktop work, but this "big" TrackPad maybe good... I think this will be my last attempt to use over Paralles and OS X, then is final destination Bootcamp.

    4/ Fn keys - this I solved with Palua app from AppStore

    5/ I tried MagicPrefs to emulate middle mouse button - MMB and tweak MagicMouse, but IMHO on Parallels not work quite good and have experience that, after using emulated "MMB", zoom and again pan over emulated "MMB", rtpan not work or better it work, but I not see drawing move, just new view after pan. Fix is type redraw command, but it is not very comfort.
    Better experience I have with BetterTouchTool, which have problem with "hanged" emulated "MMB" after click, but they release 0.926 alpha which this fix it Parallels 8.
  •  I have a Macbook Pro Retina display with Parallels and Windows 7 installed.  Bricscad  seems to have a problem with the mouse, the panning and zooming is not consistent, is not very accurate and slow.  Also when drawing a line the line itself does not appear on the screen until you have completed the command.
    Does anyone have any experience of running Bricscad on parallels?

    I use a genius mouse and panning works perfect

  •  Just want to let you know that we are working on a native Mac version and that things are moving pretty well. The coming weeks you will hear more about it...
    Best regards,   erik
  •  It's nice to hear it! Is here also optimalization for panning with Magic Mouse? Shift+left mouse button (autocad) or ALT+Left mouse button as is it in Parallels?
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