IntersectWith Method
Can anyone help me to get a working "intersectWith" Method in C#
I create a Line and a Polyline and now i want the intersection points of these two elements.
I don't know which values i have to pass.
I have tried something like this
Polyline _poly=new Polyline(); Line _line=new Line(); Point3dCollection _pnt=new Point3dCollection();....
_line.IntersectWith(_poly, Intersect.ExtendThis, _pnt, ????) - isn't there an option for Intersect.ExtendNone?
Hi!Use something like this (VB.NET) :Dim points As New Point3dCollection- points is empty and will populate if find intersection_line.IntersectWith(_poly, Intersect.OnBothOperands, points, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero)- if points collection is empty then line and polyline doesn't intersect0
You helped me a lot!
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