Ortho disregaurd

I'm having an issue with the ortho command, while drawings a simple line (I do a lot of simple lines...) it will at times disregard ortho as being "on" and draw the line at an angle. this also occurs in the move and copy command. any suggestions? 


  • Dear Rob
    Since entity snaps 'overrules' ortho, you must disable all esnaps when using ortho. Did you ever try Polar Tracking as an alternative for Ortho?

  • I see the snap overrides but that dosen't seem to be the issue. the lines are moving or copying somewhat realative to the cursor location.
  • There is entity/object snap then there is snap (F9), where the cursor jumps in fixed increments and can interfere with intentions. Perhaps that's the problem.

    Why Acad originally used one word for 2 1/2 commands I don't know.

  • I have this issue too, I already sended a support request but no reaction yet...
    It's strange because in V12 it works perfect, and in V13 it doesn't take the snap point.
  • Perhaps it comes from pressing the Shift key? Holding the shift key down will momentarily toggle Ortho On/OFF. This could give unexpected results if you weren't aware.


    Jason Bourhill

    CAD Concepts

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