PAssing a selectionset to the properties bar vial Lisp?

I was wondering if i can pass a selectionset like this for example (setq sset (ssget "_X" '((0 . "INSERT")  (2 . "Name*"))) to the properties bar for further
modifikation. I know i can generate simple selectionsets in the properties bar itself but i was thinking 'bout rather complicated selectionset filters in Lisp.


Martin Harrer


  • Yes, should be possible ...
    when SelectionSet is retrieved by Lisp, use (command "_select" "_p") as last statement in Lisp code;
    this should work ... ?

    Many greetings !
  • Ooops - correction :
    use (sssetfirst nil selectionset) ... this works as expected.
  • Thanks Torsten, works like a charm!
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