filling in Entities

I have never used a cad program before, but am trying to redesign my companies logo. Is there any way that I can fill in the entities without having to go and draw in every line. It is an outline of the company's name and I have to fill in each letter completely. An help is greatly appreciated.


  • The BOUNDARY HATCH tool can fill up areas with the current color. Before starting the command, make the color of your choice the current color.To fill up an area do the following:1. Click the BOUNDARY HATCH icon on the DRAW 2D toolbar or type BHATCH at the command prompt2. On the BOUNDARY HATCH dialog click the PATTERN PROPERTIES tab, then choose PREDEFINED as the PATTERN TYPE.3. Click the PATTERN tab and choose SOLID from the PATTERNS list.4. Click the BOUNDARY tab, then click the SELECT AREA button. The BOUNDARY HATCH dialog closes temporarily.5. Click inside each area that you want to fill up. Right click to stop selecting areas, the BOUNDARY HATCH dialog reopens.6. Click the OK button on the BOUNDARY HATCH dialog.The selected areas are now filled up with the current color.

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