Qleader Text Attachment

Just wondering if anybody else is having issues with the text attachment for Qleaders.  When you have the text set to be attached to the middle of the bottom line and your bottom line of text includes characters that extend below the baseline of the text - like a ( or a lower case y?  The attachment location seems to drastically change for me when these characters are present and always requires adjusting so that the leader attaches to the middle of the bottom line.


  • The attachment location 'middle of bottom line' results in an attachment that is always half the text height above the bottom of the mtext. The problem you are seeing is caused by the fact that the bottom of an mtext entity does not always coincide with the baseline of the last line of text. I don't thinks there is a lot that can be done to solve this. Note that the attachment location 'middle of top line' does not have a similar issue.
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