
Hi all , Im really impressed with the amound of knowledge out there. My question is where do some of you get everything from?  Right now I trying to permanently turn of dynamic grid diplay and it seems I have to put it in the on_open lisp file.  I have searched both the SysVar and CmdRef and find nothing. I saw somwhere that griddiplay can be set to 0-15 but what does it mean. Where can I find this info ? Also there is a nice feature where one can export all settings, but why is there no import? I would like to set up one computer export and import this in to the rest of my machines. Seems to me like a simple task but, its not.

Some settings follow the drawings some dont and I feel its a bit messy to know what is what.

CHEERS / Patrik


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  • Dear Patrik
    All necessary information about system variables and user preferences is to be found in the Settings dialog.  Please read the System Variables / Understanding the Settings Dialog topic in the BricsCAD Help to learn how to use the Settings dialog.
    The export of settings is for documentation reasons only, therefore there is no import. User profiles are used to save settings, at least the settings which are saved in the registry.
  • Hi, I have no problem using the settings dialog. I just find myself running around changing settings for people all the time due to that they may be working in drawings mailed to us from elsewhere. In this case I wanted to set dynamic grid OFF(wich seems to follow the drawing) in the "icad.lsp" but nowhere can I find the syntax. This goes for more settings . I found somwhere that GRIDDISPLAY can be between 0-15 I think ( now its 3 in my drawing ) but what are the numbers. Is there a list of all the settings and their variables and a sample of how to use them? Wich settings go in registry and wich dont ? It would also be very handy to export all settings when you are happy and be able to import it back on another machine. thanks /P
  • Dear Patrik
    Please read the knowledgebase item 'Portable User Profile' at is about creating user profiles that can be copied to other computers.
    Kind regards
  •  Hi Patrik - This thread, and the post by Jason may help you out with exporting your settings which you can subsequently use as a default for new installations.

    Rolling out company standards can be a pain, especially when it comes to changes, here is what I did...

    Faced with a couple of problems:

    1. I wanted to automate as much as possible after the initial install
    2. Have a default profile for all user's to reference after installing
    3. Have the ability to roll out global changes (settings, programs, etc.) to all users without visiting each user.
    4. Limit the ability of the user's to modify company standards while allowing them full control to customize BC as they saw fit.
    5. Have everything on the server to maintain portability and backups

    Very briefly, my solution, store everything on the server, have a standard on_doc_load.lsp file that was stored on the server but protected from changes.  This lsp file loaded a customizable lsp file for each user (using the loginname variable) that each user could change as they saw fit; check and add support search paths; load menus; load applications and so on.  One important note, was that it added the current user's settings directory  (see below) to the beginning of the support search paths, right after the location of the standard on_doc_load.lsp file, this was critical to allow me to store pgp files on the server and have them loaded as opposed to the default pgp file.

    Items that I wanted the users to have access too, such as profiles, pgp files and the customizable lisp were stored in folders created for each BricsCAD user - I called this folder the same as the user's account name which is also the loginname variable.

    After installing BricsCAD all I had to do was edit the support search paths and add the location of the standard on_doc_load.lsp file and restart BricsCAD.  On the first run, the on_doc_load.lsp file was loaded, it modified the support search paths, loaded all company standard lisp routines, loaded the customizable lisp program (this is the one where user's could load their own programs and modify as they saw fit).  One more restart of BricsCAD again loaded the on_doc_load.lsp from the server, loaded the PGP file from the user's profile directory and loaded all of the standard programs.

    it took a bit of coding to sort out, but life was very easy afterward - install BricsCAD, restart the program twice and everything was ready to go for the users.  If I wanted to add a new lisp program, all I had to do was add it's support paths to the on_doc_load.lsp file and load it from that file.  The next time that a user opened a drawing, or restarted the program all the changes were rolled out to them.  This saved me from having to get up, make the change on countless computers wasting my time and the user's drafting time...

    If you need guidance setting this up, let me know, I am planning on putting this up on my website in further detail...
  • @ Patrik: As Louis mentioned the _SETTINGS dialog does provide information about variables such as GRIDDISPLAY. You should follow his advice and read the related Help topic.
  • Guys I have fit a dead end on profiles before .   The thing is that some drawing are not made by us so some setting will not be the way I want. Now I want to change them in the on_doc_load lisp. Now I have studied all the manuals but I still can´t figure out how I turn off for example adaptiv grid via lisp. Whats the syntax for this and other settings ? 
    Ok coming back to my text from tearing my hair in the manual I now realize that it is the MANUAL that needs to be updated. I finally figured out the system on my own without the help from the manual.  For all you other non hackers out there some of these settings are combinations of 1,2,4,8 so that if you want setting 1 and 3 ON you put 5. Get it ? Now the rest I can propably figure out as well, I had a problem with the combined ones and the manual could be a bit more helpful. THANKS 
  • Hi I have returned to the issue of migrating users again. Looked at the link and it solves part of the problem but how do I mapp  this " [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Bricsys\BricsCAD\V13\en_US\Profiles\Patrik] "  the file is full of it. Like  [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Bricsys\BricsCAD\V13\en_US\Profiles\Patrik\Dialogs\DLG_ATTACH_INSERT\PdfUnderlay]

    Brics there has to be a way that the export the .arg file in a way that you dont have to edti manually !!!

  • ... I finally figured out the system on my own without the help from the manual.  For all you other non hackers out there some of these settings are combinations of 1,2,4,8 so that if you want setting 1 and 3 ON you put 5. Get it ? ...
    The Help text of such system variables at the bottom of the Settings dialog reads: "The value is stored as a bitcode using the sum of the values of the selected options".

  • Thanks Louis, that part I figured out. Now two guys needed to have upgraded computers also we tranferred the last 2 guys from ACAD. The setup on all Machines is tedious. Why is it so difficult to make a proper settings export/import that is machin-independent. Its a pain to manually have to edit the .arg files for each user. I want to make a transferable profile. Some machines have W7/32 some W7/64 and one W8 they all act different. I have placed all my custom scripts /menus/etc in a mapped folder on the network and its still a pain. Every time its a lot of labour I have to manually go through all settings. We are still on V13 and have not transferred to V15 yet. (Will skip 14)  Looking at the files maybe its slightly  better in V15 ( I think).

  • Thanks Louis, that part I figured out. Now two guys needed to have upgraded computers also we tranferred the last 2 guys from ACAD. The setup on all Machines is tedious. Why is it so difficult to make a proper settings export/import that is machin-independent. Its a pain to manually have to edit the .arg files for each user. I want to make a transferable profile. Some machines have W7/32 some W7/64 and one W8 they all act different. I have placed all my custom scripts /menus/etc in a mapped folder on the network and its still a pain. Every time its a lot of labour I have to manually go through all settings. We are still on V13 and have not transferred to V15 yet. (Will skip 14)  Looking at the files maybe its slightly  better in V15 ( I think).

    We just did the switch from v14 to v15 yesterday.  To copy/set the default profile I exported the "Profiles" entry in the registry (Current_user>Software>Bricsys>BricsCAD>"version">en_us>Profiles.  While it did grab some current(where it was exported from) user ID's, I just manually went through the .reg and deleted those parts.  As far as pushing it to everyone, we have scripts that run every time somebody logs on to the network.  Along with my script to uninstall/ install v15, I added the call for the .reg. 

    Attached is my script(note it is calling a couple .reg files, including the one I'm using for our default Profile).  Obviously use whatever you need to, but all of the paths will be wrong for you.  

    One more note:  because we're running these scripts from a network location, I had to create a shortcut.lnk to the script(BricsUpgrade.cmd) with administrative permissions set INSIDE the shortcut.lnk so that everything would run. 

    The script went off without a hitch in our 50 person + user environment.


  • @ Chris,
    Thanks for sharing your script. Attach my variant on importing and setting a user profile. Mine is based on using the standard .ARG file, pushing it to the correct place in the registry, and then setting it as the default profile for BricsCAD. It's designed to be run over and over, so you could use to reset user profiles back to company default as part of start up.


    Jason Bourhill

    CAD Concepts 


  • Chris and Jason, THANKS, I will have a look. The fact is that the rest of us that don´t have a doctors degree in scripting are lost.  Why do we need all this hassle? I only have to open your files to realize there is something wrong . I vote for a setup folder that you can point at when you install. When you export a profile you should be able to make it user independant. Having to make scripts like this is as far as I see it way to complicated.

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