DWG File Association to x64 Bricscad

 I have both the x32 and x64 versions of BC installed.  I want to associate dwg's with the 64 bit version.  No matter what I do double clicking on a dwg always loads in x32, even if I only have the x64 version currently open.  I have tried associating the file thru Windows Explorer OPEN With option and still no luck...

Any suggestions?

OS - Win 7 x64



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  • Yes, this is a problem caused by Windows incomplete logic -
    when you assign "bricscad.exe", then it does not matter *which* BricsCAD you assign
    (meaning from what folder)
    => Windows is stupid enough, only to use "bricscad.exe" in the registry to define the association.

    So if you have x86 bricscad.exe (i.e. from initial x86 installation), and then try to assign to x64 bricscad.exe,
    then Windows only uses "bricscad.exe" as key - and voila, it is already assigned, so nothing to do, from
    Windows' poitn of view.

    This proofs, that MS can simply not imagine to have multiple (even independent) executables with same name -
    the entire logic fails here ...

    2 solutions :
    - uninstall both BricsCAD (or at least, the x86), then reinstall x64 first, then x86 version
    - or, scan registry for "bricscad.exe" ... you will find the place where the association is, there you can exchange the path

    We have no fixed plans on this matter (as basically a Windows bug), but there is a technical possibility to automatically re-assign
    the "last-run" BricsCAD version ... would make some sense.

    Many greetings !
  •  Thanks Torsen!

    I thought maybe I could trick windows by renaming the x86 Bricscad executable and then associate dwgs with the 64 bit executable.  That didn't work and now AutoCrud has taken possession - ugh!

  • Torsen,

    The registry change didn't fix it either :(

    I didn't have as much a problem until I updated to 13.2.10 yesterday.  Before that, as long as I had the x64 version open, double clicking a file would open in x64.  Now no matter what I do the dwg opens in the x86 - ugh!


  • Hi Jeff,

    here is how to manually repair in RegEdit

    check the key
    HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\ CurrentVersion\Explorer\FileExts\.dwg\UserChoice
    for value
    Progid = Applications\bricscad.exe
    (that is where Windows uses the name only, without path)

    then check
    under subkeys shell/open/command you will see the commandline used by Windows ... adjust this for desired BricsCAD executable

    Btw., as the latter key is in HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, you will need admin rights to change ...
    so it is best, to set "Run as admin" in all your BricsCAD (and Acad) desktop shortcut icons - necessary to allow each CAD system to properly
    re-register the COM interface ... if you run multiple CAD systems (even same BricsCAD x86 + x64 !) simultaneously.

    I hope this helps now ?
    Many greetings !
  • That worked like a charm!!!

    Thank you Torsten for taking time to kelp me!!

    Best regards,
  • Hi

    I've had the same problem. I followed your advice but somehow managed to delete the HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT entry and now don't know what it should be!

    Any advice would be gratefully received.


  • Here's what I use:

    Key name:

    Key value:
    (Default)      REG_SZ      "C:\Program Files\Bricsys\BricsCAD V14 en_US\bricscad.exe" "%1"
  •  Many thanks, it worked a treat...
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