Airfoil and splines


Could you help me, how would I add the following attached data to Bricsys V13 to create an airfoil?



  • I've just looked at the attachment and the data has not come out as previously formatted. It should be in two columns

    MH 32  8.7%

    1.00000000  0.00000000

    0.99671850  0.00034782

    0.98706463  0.00149967


    I'll try and attach again!


  • Hi Simon,

    Simple way to do this is by converting your data into a ._SCRIPT. A script is basically a list of commands as you would type them in at the command prompt. Your data is already close to the format required by a script, so you could use a text editor to do a search and replace to provide the correct format. For more complex data you can utilise a spreadsheet to get it to the correct format for a script. Having done this you would copy and paste into a text file, then save with the .scr extension.

    To run a script you can either use the ._SCRIPT command, or drag and drop it on your drawing from windows explorer.


    Jason Bourhill

    CAD Concepts


  • I would put the points into a script too. Or if it's only a one-off, perhaps they could be cut and pasted at the command line (with the spaces replaced with commas. A script will probably accept a new line as a break between points, the command line might want a line space in place of each carriage return).

    I think using them to draw a polyline, since the spline command will ask for a start and finish angle - getting those right is the hardest part of physically drawing any such curve.

    You can p-edit the flats into a curve after it's drawn.

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