Local root prefix in Citrix Zen installation problem

I have a problem with some and only some users starting Bricscad V12 from a Citrix Zenn 5 server.

When I investigate the problem by exporting the "good" users and the "bad" users settings from Bricscad Settings menu I see this difference;


   LOCALROOTPREFIX,reg,str,RTSTR,,C:\Users\tsk\AppData\Local\Bricsys\Bricscad\V12\en_US\,read only,Local root prefix


   LOCALROOTPREFIX,reg,str,RTSTR,,c:\program files\bricsys\Bricscad V12\Bricsys\Bricscad\V12\en_US\,read only,Local root prefix

The two Bricscad is started from same Citrix server but the difference is that 8-10 error dialogs appears on the "bad" users.

The stange part is that I myself had the errors in the beginning, but some day the errors dissapeared, without doing anything to cure the mistake.

The same applies to one of my colleagus. He has no problem.

Two other starting same application have the problem.

Anyone knows this problem or better how to cure it?