hints to icons on palletes - currently OFF - HELP please

Not sure if that's correct terminology, but can't find the way to turn ON the hint when one hovers the mouse over a pallete etc.
Just installed Ver 14 and they don't display.
Can someone please put me out of my misery.


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  • This is weird.
    I Uninstalled BricsCad and reinstalled.
    Changed a few settings and added some shortcuts.

    All well with tooltips.
    Then I opened the Layer Palette and still all well.
    I clicked on one of the icons to invoke the command and that seemed to kill the tooltips on the Layer Palette.
    I closed the Palette and reopened.
    Still no tips.
    Closed B'cad and reopened and the Layer tips were restored.
    Not sure if this is a bug?
    Version 14.1.07 revision 32268.

  • I don't have a Layer palette. Is this a default V14 palette or is it something you have created yourself?
  • Yes the default Bricscad palette.
    I don't think it's ON by default. Mine wasn't.
  • Hi Richard,
    Do you mean the "Layers" toolbar?  There is no such thing as a "Layers" tool palette.  The standard palettes are "Command Tools", "Hatches" and "Draw".

    Tooltips only display when BricsCAD has the focus (eg the window header turns blue on my system).  If another application has the focus, BricsCAD is 'resting' and doesn't display tooltips. 
  • Damian you are correct.
    Sorry - my ignorance.

    BricsCad was always in focus when I was having the trouble.
    Will see what today brings.
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