Communicator Export 3D PDF


is it possible to export colorised (by layer or material) 3D Objects to 3D PDF? Attached is a simple DWG and resulted 3D PDF file. The PDF is only gray.

Thanks in advance!

Best regards,



  • Hi,

    Im not that expert by I have tried to export your dwg file to adobe pdf and i think it works.

    By the way i don't have communicator yet that's why i haven't tried the 3D pdf.

    You may check the file I have created.




  • Peter,

    Looks like communicator 3DPDF doesn't provide this option. Suggest you raise a support request to see whether this is going to be added at some stage. In the meantime export to 3DDWF does export with colour.

    Alternatively you could also try looking at:
    These open up other options, such as exporting the drawing structure too.

    Best regards,

    Jason Bourhill

    CAD Concepts

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