Dimscale behavior - V13

Every time I change the dimstyle the dimscale defaults back to 1 - is there a way to set it so it will just keep the current dimscale? This is for V13.


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  • Every dimstyle contains a setting for the dimscale.
    Therefore changing the dimstyle automatically means changing the dimscale.
    Some options:
    1. Create a dimstyle for every scale.
    2. Create a Lisp routine.
    3. Use an annotative dimstyle.
  • I forgot to mention I'm "oldschool" and work in modelspace not paperspace - annotative dimstyles I presume only work in paperspace? Thanks for replying.
  • I vote for no.1. Works back from V1.

  • From memory (which might need a second opinion), that was a bug later fixed in V13.
  • If this is a bug does that mean it's fixed and doesn't occur in V14?
  • Tim, this behavior is by design and not a bug.
  • Tim, my issue was that if I set a dimstyle which had DIMADEC (dim angle precision) value of -1, new dimensions still carried the dimscale of the previously set dimstyle - dimadec was not allowed to be -1 anymore.

    The behaviour appeared in V12 and a fix was scheduled.

    I since made dimadec 0 for all dimstyles, but it doesn't seem to happen in any legacy file with old settings in V14.

    I still mainly stuck with V11 after upgrading to V12 and V13, but V14 works really well for me.

  • Thanks Roy and everyone else for replying. I guess if working in model space creating a dimstyle for every scale is the way to go but that's going to be a long list. Changing over to paper space I guess would be a better long term solution but me being a solo cad guy with multiple deadlines I don't how I'm going to find time to do that.

    Pspace has always been a peculiar mystery to me but I figure sooner or later going to have to jump in join the fray. If I was to purchase an Acad book to study up on it what version would be equivalent to V14? Perhaps there are other sources someone out there to recommend? 

  • A 'net search for "paperspace tutorial" will turn up a quite a few resources.

    A few suggestions from my own workflow
    1. Create new layers "viewport" and "frame." Set "viewport" to be non-printing by clicking the little printer icon in its row in the drawing explorer. I also like to use a separate color for viewports, usually #40 (a light orange). By using this layer you can get to the border and grips for moving/sizing but the borders won't show up in the final print. Use the "frame" layer only for the drawing frame + title block.

    2. Setup the page/printer as the very first thing when switching to a new layout. You do not want to get a nice layout built and then change printers or paper sizes, only to find that your nice layout isn't so nice any more because the margins have shifted. I prefer to print to PDF (PDFCreator works well and is free) but whatever you use, do it first.

    3. Create a new viewport (or use the default) and double-click inside it. Notice the borders are highlighted You're now reaching into model space from paper space and can setup your desired plan/elevation/oblique/etc. view as desired, along with the shademode. V14 has some additional shading modes that come in handy here.

    4. To set the scale for the viewport, while in the paperspace's model space use Zoom | XP where, e.g., a half-scale representation when the page is printed full size would be ".5xp" Double-click outside of the viewport to return to paper space. Note that the "Toggle viewport mode" button on the status bar also shifts between the two.

    5. Dimensioning will automatically pick up the scale, even if you zoom to change the scale. There *is* a gotcha here, though. Ensure that you're picking points that belong to the model. If you dimension between two points that are purely in paper space, such as the end points of the leaders of other dimensions, then the resulting dimension is scaled to paper space, not to model space.
  • Tim, as a SOHO myself I can say pspace was not a huge time investment, a mate gave me a short startup but he mainly confirmed it was worth the bother.

    Main advantage is for dwgs too big for one sheet, the only alternatives being either xref/xclip or break the dwg into sheet sized parts.

    That and multiple scaled views of one area.

    Most dwgs don't have many dimscales or text sizes (text might have to scale up or down in views too).

    I haven't tried annotative dims, but while pspace is great for the above problems I'm not sure avoiding multiple dimscales alone is reason enough to go for pspace.

  • Paperspace is a virtual space representing the piece of paper you're going to print on. You can cut holes in it (viewports) to look through to modelspace. A viewport is to paperspace what a window is to a wall; it allows you to see things in the space beyond the wall or paperspace. If those things are far away they appear small relative to the size of the window or viewport. The entire house across the street might fit inside a 2' x 3' window. Or a 10-story apartment building several blocks away might fit inside that same window, since it's farther away, i.e. its inverse zoom factor is greater. If the window opens onto a wall right next to yours, then what you see will appear to be the size it really is; i.e. your 2' x 3' window will only show a 2' x 3' section of the wall next door. Since it's at no distance away the zoom factor is 1.

    It's a simple concept, unless you live in a country with a medieval system of measurement. In that case, you can't zoom out to a factor of 1/20 or 1/100; instead you have to zoom out to a factor of 1/16 or 1/96. And you can't even call it that but instead have to say it's at 3/4" scale or 1/8" scale, and try to remember what that means in terms of scale factor. I keep a file card in my shirt pocket with the zoom factors for the various imperial scales written on it.
  • Tim, you can make a simple lisp routine to do what you want.  Here is what I use for doing the same thing:

    [code](defun c:LD ()
      (setq TMP (getvar "DIMSCALE"))
      (command "DIM" "RES" "ARROWS" "DIMSCALE" TMP "EXIT")

    When I type LD it switches to my ARROWS dimstyle and resets the dimscale.  You can make the above code for each style you use.  Also, being from the oldschool era myself, I stayed away from paperspace a long time but I'm very glad I started using it finally.  I probably don't use it like everyone else but it works great for me.
  • It's nice to know there are some who have gone down the same road, I was starting to feel like an "old dog incapable of new tricks". If I'm going to make this transition it's going to be by baby steps. We use letter size sheets and that's a problem right there especially when you got a pressure vessel 100+ ft. long x 12ft. dia. with lots of nozzles and structural steel involved, sometimes a project spans (70) sheets. Some of our details are not to scale generic sketches & tables so we can just change the dimensions quickly without spending time drawing from scratch. My superiors won't listen about upgrading to larger plotter-size sheets but I'm hoping to at least move up to 11x 17 which would cut down on the sheet numbers and make Pspace more doable. Thanks to all again for the comments!

  • As the old CAD saying goes regarding Paperspace:
    There are two types of people:
    Those that love it and those that don't understand it.  :)
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