Looking for methods to show hidden objects in hidden line types, with a 3D render

The only command that I know of that generates hidden line-types for hidden objects is the old SolProf command, which Autodesk originally created back in the 80's. The main drawback to this method, is that these views do not automatically update, if the model changes.  I realize this command and its functionality is necessary for many types of illustration work. But, for my current work, I would prefer something that automatically updates.  Also, since SolProf puts objects on new layers, my layering system tends to get very cluttered.

I know the X-Ray rendering style is another method, and it automatically updates views. But, the hidden objects are not shown as hidden lines. Rather, they are just shown in a lighter shade of the objects color.

Is there another method I am unaware of?

-Joe Dunfee


  • I should add that I am on v14 Platinum.

    I came across a command that was new to me, and unfortunately I cannot scroll back in the command history to see what it was, since it does not put anything there that I can see. It had to be initated in the Model Space tab.  It prompts you to select the objects, and then type a layout tab's name.  Then it switches to that tab and inserts views, in a similar manner to what SolidWorks, and Inventor does.  The views did have the hidden lines showing as hidden line type.

    As I investigated the created views, I noted they were not visible because their color was white.  Then, I checked its rendering style, and saw that it was "Mechanical Drafting".

    I have a few questions about the "Mechanical Drafting" style.
    - The color of the objects isgnore any explicity color assigned to the entity, and will only use the color of the layer the object is from.
    - I don't know how to control the line weight or ltscale of the hidden lines.

    Thanks for the advice,

    -Joe Dunfee
  • The command I referred to in my last post is, VIEW / GENERATE DRAFTING VIEWS.

    I continue to be puzzled by it.  If I make a copy of an object in Modelspace, those objects do not show up in the views I created, unless I start the command over again.  This kills the idea of putting any dimensions in paper space.

    I realize there are ways that commands work, and the main task of the draftsman, is to know all the choices, and choose a process that will allow him to accomplish what he wants for an end-product.  However, this has me stumped.  Probably I am puzzled because this is my first round using the v14 pro, and its 3D modeling abilities, and have not really learned all the various aspects of what it can do.

    How should I approach 3D solids, to create dimensioned prints?

    -Joe Dunfee
  • A new discovery about "Generate Drafting Views".  They will not include modelspace dimensions.  So, any dimensioning must be in paperspace.

  • As it happens, we are in the process of quite deeply reworking the approach used for generating drafting views.
    The views used to be actual views on the 3D model to which a special visual style was applied.
    In the reworked approach, the views are based on 2d entities, which are the result of a hidden line removal calculation.

    We have started a beta-test cycle for a.o. this item, if you are interested to get access to a beta version please file a support request to my attention, we will provide you with download details in a separate mail.

    By the way, to make sure that newly added solids are included when updating views, use the "Entire Model" option of the BMGENDRAFT command when selecting the entities for which the views should be generated, else, only the specifically selected solids will be taken into account.

  •  I am also struggling to get usable 2D views from the model using the generate drafting views with linetypes and linetype scales.lineweights etc
    We are starting a new job that would need views live to the model. I would like to be included in the beta testing of this subject 
  • Our customer database happens to contain four persons named Sam Crowther: could you please file a support request to my attention so it becomes clear who wants to take part in the beta test cycle?
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