Draughting Viewports

I am trying to use Draughting Viewports, but without a great deal of success. I have now worked out that the 4 elevations of a building can be generated if the operation is carried out twice selectin 'bAck' as the main view second time. I have also realised that the generated viewports can be moved and modified to fit into a drawing frame. But, and it is a big but, there appears to be no way of locking these modified viewports (which are already noted as locked in their properties) to maintain their position within the drawing frame (Title Block), they always revert to encompass the whole model on redraw.

For example, an architectural model sits on a base, this base extends beyond the limits of the model such that with the correct adjustment of the frame this base appears as a ground line hiding all the foundations, etc., not needed to be displayed on elevation drawings, but every redraw resizes the draughting viewport.

Also a draughting viewport only shows solids, hatching or other reference lines drawn on a solid don't carry forward in the same way that lines on an old fashioned 'Hidden' Paper Space View would.


  • I had just played a little bit with bmgendraft on Linux, and concluded that this feature was probably not finished... but I may have been wrong.
    So many shots at the same target (shadeplot, solprof, flatshot, quickdraw, and now bmgendraft), and none that fully hits... quite a poor record, I'd say.
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