new to BricsCAD

I am new to BricsCAD, previously I trained on AutoCAD 2000i then over the years progressed to 2010, now I have not used AutoCAD for about 4 years and I am a bit rusty (a lot rusty) as I cannot afford AutoCAD, I have downloaded the trial version of BricsCAD I would like to get up to speed as quickly as possible, only 27 days left, is there a tutorial available to help me do this before the trial runs out?


  • When I was evaluating BricsCAD some years ago I needed to ask for a 30 day extension on the trail. They were very sympathetic and quickly gave me a new serial number for the extended trial. I'm sure they would do the same for you. BricsCAD has so many of the same Acad's functions that you should consider finding AutoCAD training. I quickly found this free website:

    If you don't mind spending around $50 US try this site and purchase an ebook with lessons:

    I took their Inventor class several years ago and others in my office have taken the AutoCAD 2D training and found it very useful.

    Good luck.

  • Hello Graham, at you will find a download link for the eBook "BricsCAD for AutoCAD users". It is written by Ralph Grabowski and you can download it free of charge. For some people it has been very useful.
    Best regards,   erik
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