dimensions in 3.1.005

Problems with dimensions in version 3.1.005 I use dimension text aligned with dim lin and centered between extension lines, dragmode auto. When using linear dimension on an angled line, say at 45 deg. 1. Invoke dimlinear 2. Select 45 deg line 3. Now position dim text for a horizontal dim, everything fine, before clicking to place dim here, drag cursor so dim becomes a vertical dim, everything ok here too, now drag it back to horizontal dim and the text is now vertical not horizontal and aligned with the extension line. Very odd. By changing various dim variables (example forcing text outside extension lines & making text size large enough not to fit between extension lines) I was able to,While dragging between horizontal and vertical dims on this 45 deg line, to get the vertical dim to display upside down and backward.Also when dimension text won't fit between extension lines and format set to best fit possible the text is placed starting at about centered on the dimension line and extending over the top of the extension line and beyond. Still using IntelliCad 98 but still hoping for a workable 2001.Let me know if anyone can reproduce these problems or know of a suitable work aroundSteve


  • Tested with dragmode off and the error does not occur ( ie dimension text remains aligned with dimension line in both vertical and horizontal dimensions. Can anyone repeat this error?

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