How to model eccentric cones
Hi All,
can you help me regarding this point? is needed to make some eccentric reductions for pipes!
Thank You!
You can try to use the LOFTX-command by Konstantin Sakellaris or ask me for my (very old) RNDTORND.lsp to create surface- or 3DSOLID-models of
eccentrical tansitions.
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Since BricsCAD does not yet feature lofting functionality, this needs a bit of labor, but you can do it without any add-ons - you just have to construct an elliptical cone and slice it to get the desired result.
I don't have the time to write a full tutorial, if you like, just try if the attached file gets you on the track: the red lines indicate the desired geometry, the cyan lines are intermediate geometry, and the green lines are the geometry of the elliptical cone.
(After slicing the cone, I turned it into a pipe using the solidedit/body/shell command).eccentric_cone.png
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Hi Adrian,
since version 14.02.x you can loft eccentric Cones in Bricscad by using a Circle and a Point as Start and End Loft Profiles respectively.
Download my plug-in at
and use the LOFTX command to loft any eccentric Cone you like !
Attached you find an example drawing.
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