can't plot in black and white anymore
Can someone please help. I can't seem to plot in black and white anymore. The plot previews are in color and the plots are not the line thickness that they should be.
It's like its plotting in color. I do have the plot with styles box checked, and I am using the same .ctb file as always. Thanks
I'm running V13.2.10. Using the "monochrome.ctb" style table I can print paper or model space 2D views in black and white with no issues. That is not true of 3D objects. They still print in color. I'm sure there is probably a reason for it, but I don't know what it is.
I'm not sure if my "monochrome.ctb" style table was carried over from an old Autocad installation, or something installed by BricsCAD. (I had our IT manager set the paths for style tables to a folder on our server, over a year ago.)
If you'd like to try our monochrome.ctb style table, I have attached it for you. If not, you can see the settings in the attached screen shot. I noticed that for each numbered color on the menu to the left side, the color "black" is selected under "style properties". The "dither" box is also checked. My understanding of "dither" is that it will represent shades of grey with varying densities of pure black dots.
I also tried another style table called "grayscale.ctb". Didn't see much difference on my drawing, probably because I don't have shades of colors in my drawing. The "grayscale.ctb" table has "Use entity color", "dither", and "convert to greyscale" checked.
Hope I was helpful!Monochrome Settings(2).jpg
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