3D dimensional constraints: mathematical expressions and variables in parameters

I am a draftsman.
I worked in steel industry in the past and I am currently working in processing plants.
I have experience in other 3D-variational-parametric systems such as: 'Pro Engineer' and 'Mechanical Desktop'.

I find it very good BCAD V13 (in general terms). The cost-benefit ratio is excellent. I'm using BCAD from the V7 version.

I'm trying to implement my designs in 'BriscCAD V13' for Windows.

However I encounter the following problem:
In 3d dimensional constraints I can not apply mathematical expressions or names of other parameters. While it can be made with dimensional constraints 2d.

I have not found a solution to this problem in the help files, or internet forums.
Is there a solution to this problem in the V13 version?

Of course, thanks for your attention.


  • You need V14 for this.

    From the V14 Release Notes:
    Version 14.1.01 29/10/2013
    3D CONSTRAINTS: expressions and parameters can be used to specify the value of a dimensional constraint. Parameters of dimensional constraints can be used in expressions as well.
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