How to create OLE objects in BricsCAD v14

I am currently using BricsCAD version 14, and am trying to insert an Excel file, or at least a bitmap of the file, into a BricsCAD drawing. I am able to import it, but the dimensions are incorrect. It is not importing all of the cells. I'd like to have the contractor view this Excel file via the BricsCAD drawing. Is there anyway to fix this? Thanks.


  • To put an Excel spreadsheet in a drawing, I simply highlight cells in Excel, then copy them to the clipboard.  Then, in BricsCAD, I use Paste to put the spreadsheet in a drawing. 

    Be forewarned that when I publish to a PDF using BricsCad's own internal PDF creator, the results are barely readable, since the fonts become very highly pixelated. 

    But, if I use a PDF printer driver, such as "PDF Creator" or "Bullzip", it will actually save the embedded Excel BOM as text in the PDF. So, it the text is smooth and even selectable in the PDF viewer.

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