Dimensioning sketches and changing dimensions

I have been looking for a good CAD program that is affordable and preferably works on Linux. Bricscad seems like it should be ideal but I come from a background with programs like Solidworks, Solid Edge and Alibre. I am used to being able to rough out a sketch then set and change dimensions with dimensioning tools.
I spent a ton of time searching and as far as I can tell Bricscad does not have this capability. Maybe it's just due to my background but it seems to me like trying to pass off a horse and carriage as a modern day vehicle.
Am I missing something or is the only way to sketch the old school entering sketch dimensions as you make them then needing to redo it if you want to change something?
Is it possible to use dimensions to drive the sketch and if so how do you change dimensions and have them change the sketch?


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