Blips Multifunction for hatches and polylines
During the evaluation of the BrisCad, we note some tools/commands that this Software does not have, that we are important. I would like to know the best way to replace them, if possible.
· Has no blips multifunction for hatches and polylines (Stretch/Add/Remove);
Eric Rodrigues
I don't know what you mean by blips. MANY years ago, they referred to marks that were put on the screen to show where you last clicked your digitizer (or later in time, the mouse). Is is possible you are referring to "handles"?-Joe0
I should not have said, "handles." Rather, I should have said "grips".-Joe0
- Não nos referimos à variável de sistema, mas sim aos "Blips Multifuncionais" que as entidades "Polilinhas" e "Hachuras" passaram a ter na versão 2011 em diante.
- Don't we refer to the variable de system, but rather to "Multifunctional" Blips "entities to Polylines" and "Hachures" have been given in version 2011 onwards.
Eric Rodriguesuntitled2.png
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I still did not understand your question, so I used Google's Translate page to create my own translation, and see that it has the opposite meaning from the English you posted. Their translation,=====We do not refer to the system variable, but to "Multifunction Blips" that "polylines" and "Hatching" entities now have the 2011 version onwards.=====I see the picture you posted, but it does not look like my screen. After I have create a rectangle using the RECTANGLE command, it results in a rectangle drawn using a polyline. If I select the rectangle, I can click on any of the corners, and then move that point. The attached image shows what my screen looks like. So, I don't think BricsCAD has the feature you are seeking.-Joe
Selected Rectangle(2).PNG
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No, BricsCAD does not have these grips, but exactly the same functionality (provided by the PEDITEXT command) is offered by the quad-cursor (look under '2d editing').
However, on my linux version, the stretch option misbehaves by ignoring ortho and polar modes (which I think is a bug).
Anyway, it just moves the edge, which is not the functionality I had hoped for - I would prefer to slide the edge along its normal (a sort of 2d DMPUSHPULL), but I don't know how AutoCAD handles this.0 -
Is it possible to make grips look different, like in AutoCAD (middle of line has thinner rectangle, then end). It can be confusing when working with large pline, knowing vertices from middle of the line is useful.0
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