
This`s my problem with Print, what can i do ?

·         Some prints fail hiding part or all of the entity.


Eric Rodrigues


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  •  You need to provide more detail about the problem.

    The following is a guess; Is your problem that some objects are not being hidden, but should be hidden?  What kind of object?  What is the setting for the view port, if it is in paper space? 

    I suspect that English is not your native language.  Pictures help to overcome language barriers.  So please attach a drawing and a screen shot of the problem.

  • Hi Joe,

    It would be the opposite, is hiding part or the whole entity of some impressions.

    and, about my english,
    unfortunately is not my native language, but seek to improve it, and find other ways to express myself like images for example

    Eric Rodrigues.
  • I am sorry, but I do not understand the problem you have.   Your English is actually good, but I think that you are just not familiar with the terminology we use when talking about CAD drawings.  For example, the word "impressions" in your last message did not make sense to me, even if your grammar is good.

    Writing about a problem that is seen with the eyes can be difficult,  even in the writer's native language.  Also, I think you may be writing a shorter message in English, than you would write if you wrote in your native language.  So, you might consider writing your message in your native language, and then posting that with translation added.  This way, you may write a longer, and more descriptive post. I someone on the forum knows your language, they can read the original.

  • I'll write in my native language (portuguese ) about "impressions" would print.

    Eric Rodrigues,
  •  I was first guessing that your native language might be Spanish.  There will be fewer Portuguese speakers on the forum.  You might greatly benefit from finding someone in your country who uses BricsCAD.  But, I don't know how you can do that.

    I have been using BricsCAD for many years.  I think most of what you find in AutoCAD will be in BricsCAD.  But, when you are shopping and comparing CAD programs, it can be very difficult to find the differences that matter to your own work.  It can take months of use to really know if there are any significant problems. 

    To me, the biggest limitation in BricsCAD is the lack of support for Dynamic blocks.  You cannot create them in BricsCAD, and others have described that BricsCAD is limited in the ability to edit existing dynamic blocks.

  • This`s my problem with Print, what can i do ?

    ·         Some prints fail hiding part or all of the entity.

    Eric Rodrigues
    Olá Eric,

    Sugiro enviar um pedido de Suporte Técnico (por este local:
    Se puder adicionar imagens da situação na tela e depois de impressa, isso vai facilitar a identificação do problema.
    Por favor informe a versão do BricsCAD que está usando.
    Obs.: O suporte é fornecido no Brasil, em português.

  • Ola, essa é a imagem que exemplifica o problema, a impressao está apagada no meio do arquivo no exemplo, e em outros casos fica apagado um pouco abaixo do meio.

    Hello, this is the image that exemplifies the problem, the impression is out in the middle of the file in the example, and in other cases is off a little below the middle.

    Eric Rodrigues.

    Exemplo 01.pdf

  • Olá Eric,

    De fato está bem claro o problema.  Tudo indica que uma entidade retangular está desenhada, e seus limites estão ocultos, obscurecendo o conteúdo vetorial de parte do desenho.

    Você poderia nos enviar uma cópia do arquivo DWG onde isso está acontecendo ?

    Se esse desenho foi criado no AutoCAD, solicito a gentileza de informar em que versão do AutoCAD foi criado o desenho.

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