New Commands

IntelliCAD has two new commands, Align and Group. I have been unable to find any instructions for their usage. The Align command is fairly intuitive and I am using it. Thanks. The Group command is a horse of a different feather. I can only create unnamed groups and they are impossible to manipulate because they apparently have no handles. I would appreciate a little help on their use.Thank-you


  • Hi, was playing around with the group command, so far it looks like you have to create an "unnamed group" (second frame) then display "unnamed group" (first frame) then modify group and group description (third frame). I am still playing around with this however, it dosen't look lke you can create a new group from the start. I'll let you know more when i figure it out.John

  • Thanks for your reply, John. I had tried to rename groups without much success. I tried again and it works if you follow the right sequence. One thing I notice is that if a group is copied, the copy is ungrouped. Also the groups do not "behave" the same every time. Sometimes they can be manipulated by snapping to a point on the group and other times there is no way to get a handle on the group. I have not been able to figure out what the difference is yet.

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