Printer error and open existing file

I have tried to install Bricscad 13.2.17-1-en_US-i386.deb on Linux Mint LMDE Debian 201403 Cinnamon, 32 bit, 3.11-2-686-pae
The program works with the exception that it is not possible to print to cups-PDF or printer.
Do I start the program in the terminal, the following error message:
execvp(lpr, -P, PDF, -o, PageSize=Custom.210x297mm, -T, BricsCAD-Drawing1-Model, /tmp/ps8R5YmQ) failed with error 2!
execvp(lpr, -P, Canon-iX6500-series, -o, PageSize=Custom.210x297mm, -T, BricsCAD-Drawing1-Model, /tmp/psQvncXo) failed with error 2!

Another error message comes up after that I open an existing dwg file:
(bricscad:5303): Gdk-CRITICAL **: IA__gdk_drawable_get_depth: assertion `GDK_IS_DRAWABLE (drawable)' failed
Can someone help me with the faults?


  • Hi,
    bricscad is not supported on Debian. That may be the problem (the .deb package is intended for Ubuntu). Try installing Bricscad from the "Custom installation" file.

  • The .deb was indeed created for Ubuntu.

    However, if the program works in general, the .deb installer did its work, at least mostly.
    It is possible that some dependencies are missing on Mint Debian, dependencies that are normally present on Ubuntu.
    Using the custom tgz installer will not reduce but increase the need to manually setup dependencies.

    Perhaps lpr is not properly configured on your system?
    I found a seemingly relevant post:
    The post is about Mint LMDE 201204 with MATE but maybe it gives a clue.

    For further help, please enter a support request about this.
  • Wow, it's nice to see Bricsys employees caring even if using unsupported distribution. :)

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