Plot - ICAD 2.2
Problem 1: The plotted drawing is rotated 180 degrees as a default , although the preview is in the correct orientationProblem 2: It is impossible to add new printer/plotter configurations within the IntelliCad application.Problem 3: Some external graphic applications require that the file be exported/plotted to a file in ¿.tif¿ format which is not supported within the IntelliCad application. i.e. after drawing the file in IntelliCad it is impossible to export the file in a ¿.tif¿ format for use in other external graphic applications.
- can look for "jaws pdf-creator"a no cost software that installs a pdf -printer.this is a virtual printer that creates printing files for professional use ..these mybe can be opened ..photoshop does..and your other problems sound a little like configuration problems of your system:have alook at /controlpanel/system/hardwaremanager.if there are yellow question or exclamationmarks you now that somebody has to reorganize your windows..