Install BricsCAd V14 in Debian Wheezy

Hi! I have installed the version V14 in Debian Wheezy KDE
It looks to be installed but when I try to run the application, nothings happends.
Anyone knows what is the problem?
what schould I do to have the programm working?
Thanks a lot


  • Hello Jairo,

    the BricsCAD deb installer was designed for Ubuntu.
    Likely on Debian not all dependencies are automatically installed.
    You can use ldd to find out about missing dependencies, see the section "More information" on the bottom of this knowledge base article:

  • BricsCAD has always worked for me in Debian. I ran V13 in Debian Wheezy and I'm currently running V14 with Debian Jessie.
    My guess is that the program won't launch because of some small error condition which could be fixed. Did you try launching the program from the command line to see if it emits an error message?
    Open a new terminal and cd to where BricsCAD was installed. For example, do:
    [code]cd /opt/bricsys/bricscad/v14/[/code]
    Then try running BricsCAD using the script. For example:
    Does it start that way? If not, does it give an error message?
  • Thanks! That was helpful. I can't open it but now I know why.
    I am trying on Debian jessie and it works.

    Hello Jairo,

    the BricsCAD deb installer was designed for Ubuntu.
    Likely on Debian not all dependencies are automatically installed.
    You can use ldd to find out about missing dependencies, see the section "More information" on the bottom of this knowledge base article:

  • Thanks for your interest. 
    I receive this: version `GLIBC_2.14' not found
    Debian Wheezy uses the version 2.13 :(
    But now I try on Jessie and it works

    BricsCAD has always worked for me in Debian. I ran V13 in Debian Wheezy and I'm currently running V14 with Debian Jessie.
    My guess is that the program won't launch because of some small error condition which could be fixed. Did you try launching the program from the command line to see if it emits an error message?
    Open a new terminal and cd to where BricsCAD was installed. For example, do:
    cd /opt/bricsys/bricscad/v14/ 

    Then try running BricsCAD using the script. For example:

    Does it start that way? If not, does it give an error message?
This discussion has been closed.